Legend of Arabia
The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al
Qaeda's Leader by Peter Bergen
Reviewed by Sreeram Chaulia
Not since the late Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser has
an Arab political figure shaken the world as Osama bin Laden
has. Journalist Peter Bergen's biography of the man who has
fascinated admirers and horrified adversaries elicits scores
of interviews of those who actually met and knew him
personally. One theme of this revealing book is the
ideological and military struggles bin Laden waged against
the Afghan commander Ahmad Shah Masood. A second refrain is
that bin Laden certainly thinks strategically, but often
acts on impulse and commits blunders.
Born in 1957 into one of Saudi Arabia's richest and most
intensely anti-Semitic business families, Osama bin Laden
attended Al Thagr School in Jeddah. He was "extraordinarily
courteous, a bit shyer than most other students and not
pushy in any way." (p 9) In 1970, he accompanied his elder
brother Salem to Sweden and
observed flying private jets, driving Rolls-Royces, and
sporting Christian Dior and Yves St Laurent shirts. As a
teenager, he was "the peaceful one, weighing his words
carefully before saying anything". He named his horse Al-Balga,
after the one used by the Companions of the Prophet
Mohammed. Friends found him "very religious" and behaved
"like there is a Sheikh [priest] around in his presence". He
fasted on Mondays and Thursdays and endlessly dreamed of
reclaiming Palestine. "He was upset if something is not done
in an Islamic way. Don't wear short sleeves, don't do this,
don't do that."

Bin Laden grew up in a Muslim world undergoing an Islamic
resurgence - the Sahwa. He studied Economics at King
Abdul Aziz University but never graduated. Practicing
straitlaced polygamy and shunning music and television, he
was conservatism personified. "He would not shake hands with
a woman, smoke, play cards, put a picture on his wall or
appreciate art." His living quarters in the Al-Aziziyah
district of Jeddah were bare and humble. In the family
trade, he "used to work with his own hands, go drive
tractors, eat with workers and work from dawn to sundown
tirelessly in the field". An early distrust of the Saudi
royalty arose in him when it employed force against Islamist
militants who had seized the Al-Haram mosque in Mecca in
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan transformed bin Laden's
life. He joined a small group of Arabs under sheikh Abdullah
Azzam and founded the Services Bureau in Pakistan, which
recruited mujahideen to fight the communists. His maiden
venture into Afghanistan was in 1984. Accomplices noted how
he avoided soft drinks and "boycotted all American products
because he believed that without Americans, Israel cannot
exist". At that time, bin Laden was not a leading figure in
the jihad and never delivered speeches. A still-minor
personage, he was known only as a financier with deep
By 1986, he spent much time on the front line with General
Jalaluddin Haqqani in Khost. Gradually, he grew more
assertive and talkative, distancing himself from Azzam and
determined to form his own all-Arab outfit to fight the
Soviets. From 1987, he shed the image of financier with deep
pockets and turned himself into a holy warrior. His 22-day
stand against the Russians at Jaji earned laurels and
demonstrated his fanatic zeal for martyrdom. He inched
closer to Egyptian jihadis such as Abu Hafs, Abu Ubaidah and
Ayman al-Zawahiri and gained renown for his construction
skills. "If there are good caves, if there are good bunkers,
so there will be good jihad." In his own words, "these
trenches and tunnels are merely the facilities God asked us
to make. We depend completely on God in all matters."
Though not charismatic, bin Laden came across as dedicated
and self-sacrificing to an unparalleled degree. "He did not
love publicity and used to hide himself." In the 1980s, he
distanced himself from radical Arab elements gunning for
ruling regimes in the Middle East. Prince Turki al-Faisal,
head of Saudi intelligence, met with him often.
Bin Laden's alliance with Afghan hardliner Gulbuddin
Hekmatyar was engineered by the far more politically
experienced Zawahiri. Egyptian ultra-jihadists may have been
behind Azzam's assassination, which paved the way for bin
Laden to align against Masood. Whenever Masood's heroics
were lauded, bin Laden would cringe, "I don't need you to
exaggerate about him."
Al-Qaeda was created in 1988 and developed into a secretive,
disciplined, global organization dominated by bin Laden. The
inspiration for this new entity came from the example of Abu
Bakr, the Companion of the Prophet, whose army defeated the
greatest powers of the world. From the earliest days, bin
Laden had an interest in recruiting Americans into the
terrorist cause. Wadi el-Haj, a Lebanese-American, became
his personal secretary in the mid-'90s. Al-Qaeda's aim was
"to uphold Islam and defend Muslims in any part of the
world". Entrants had to be young, zealous, obedient and
"with a weak character [and] obey instructions without
In 1989, bin Laden appeared to journalists as "a rather
spoiled brat, playing at jihad" and thoroughly enjoying
himself in battle situations. In 1991, he spent more than
US$1.5 million to try to conquer Kabul, a project that
collapsed disastrously. Interestingly, he predicted Saddam
Hussein's invasion of Kuwait months before it happened. "He
doesn't believe Saddam is a Muslim, never liked him nor
trusted him." The House of Saud's decision to rely on
non-Muslims (US forces) to defend the holy land of Arabia
and the retention of these troops after the Gulf War angered
bin Laden no end. He arrived at a strategy of attacking the
US presence in Saudi Arabia as a way to weaken the
legitimacy of the kingdom's corrupt religious establishment.
Thus emerged the idea of smashing the "head of the snake
rather than its many tails".
Al-Qaeda's first terrorist operation was in 1991, when it
tried to assassinate the secular Afghan king, Zahir Shah, in
Rome to preempt his chances of being reinstated in Kabul.
Bin Laden instructed the man for the mission, "If a child
was present during the assassination attempt, you could not
attack. I would rather have the king return and have a civil
war than to kill a child." He also geared the organization
for a jihad against the "infidel" socialist government of
South Yemen.
In 1992, as the Afghan jihad wound up, bin Laden shifted his
base to Sudan and began a convenient symbiosis with its
ruling National Islamic Front. His friendship with NIF
ideologue Hassan al Turabi was strong. He invested in
Sudanese irrigation, agriculture, commerce, roads and
bridges, but maintained that "our agenda is bigger than
business". An aircraft was purchased from the United States
to transport Stinger missiles from Peshawar to Khartoum. In
Sudan, bin Laden prayed five times a day, always slept on
the ground, ate simple food including leftovers from guests,
and was "a good Muslim, 100 percent". Ironically, in late
1994, a band of takfiri Islamists - members of a
movement militantly intolerant of "infidels" - tried to kill
him for not being sufficiently Muslim.
Bin Laden expected US soldiers to come to Somalia and was
ready to spring a surprise on them a month before their
arrival. He dispatched his military chief, Abu Hafs, to meet
the warlord Mohamed Farah Aideed and reached a cooperation
agreement that spelled doom for the US. Al-Qaeda agents
reached Nairobi in early 1995 to take photographs and
surveillance of the US Embassy. British, French and Israeli
targets were also selected in Kenya and Djibouti as targets
of retaliation against US involvement in Somalia. In Sudan,
bin Laden met with Imad Mughniyeh of Hezbollah and concluded
an explosives-supply agreement. Elsewhere, Ramzi Yousef, an
al-Qaeda trainee, masterminded the 1993 World Trade Center
bombing in New York. Plots to assassinate US president Bill
Clinton and pope John Paul II and the Manila air conspiracy
were also unveiled, betraying the widening ambit of al-Qaeda's
jihadi vision.
Arrests of firebrand Saudi clerics Salman al-Awdah and Safar
al-Hawali enraged bin Laden in 1994, and he swore to avenge
them. "Some speak through discussion, but I do it well with
the rifle." Despite his mother's pleas, he said, "Sorry, I'm
not going to announce a ceasefire with the Saudi royal
family, the enemies of Islam." When Riyadh froze his assets,
al-Qaeda was plunged into a financial crisis. Sudanese
hosting fatigue due to Saudi, Egyptian and US pressure led
bin Laden to relocate to Afghanistan, where he was welcomed
by the Hizb-i-Islami.
By July 1996, bin Laden befriended the Taliban, and he
reached the apogee of his power in the following years.
Palestine was the central issue in his first declaration of
war on the US. "I feel still the pain of the loss of al-Quds
[Jerusalem] in my internal organs. That loss is like a
burning fire in my intestines." In Jalalabad and Kandahar,
bin Laden lived such a harsh life that one of his sons
decided to go back to Saudi Arabia. He disallowed his
fighters from partaking of such luxuries as cold water and
would eat raw pomegranates with bread three times a day. An
attentive listener, he worked hard on theology by reading
textbooks on the Koran to gain authority to issue fatwas.
"He interprets current affairs according to religion."
Despite being a hunted man, he sometimes played soccer and
volleyball in the camps. When he produced a sunflower in
Jalalabad's rugged terrain, he boasted, "I defeated the
Americans even in agriculture."
Rather than like a fire-breathing terrorist, bin Laden
carried himself in a low-key way like a devout monk. "You
would have thought he was talking about the weather, but his
remarks were full of rage and fury against the US." From
Afghanistan, his fame spread far and wide, as hitting US
targets became al-Qaeda's trademark. He would reiterate, "We
are working for a big operation; namely, dragging the US
into a confrontation with the entire Islamic world." Bin
Laden redirected Zawahiri away from the Egyptian "near
enemy" to the US "far enemy". The incarceration of Sheikh
Omar Abdel Rahman, the Egyptian blind mullah, in the United
States was a hot-button issue for al-Qaeda. Rahman's
fatwa to attack the US economy, civilians and aviation
were the religious motivations for planning the scheme
carried out on September 11, 2001.
From 1998 to 2000, moderate sections within the Taliban
unsuccessfully appealed to bin Laden to refrain from
provocative interviews and actions. He distributed money and
cars to some Taliban leaders to buy their acquiescence. His
ability to persuade Haqqani to join the Taliban also counted
greatly with Mullah Omar, who found a suicidal religious
chemistry with bin Laden.
The choice of bombing the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
in 1999 was made on the grounds that "we have to have many
attacks outside the US to make way for our ability to strike
within the US". After these two shocking blows, bin Laden's
profile rose to "top wanted man in the world" and a symbol
of Islamist violence. Saudi intelligence mounted
assassination attempts on him, and Clinton ordered
cruise-missile strikes. In 2000, al-Qaeda stepped up the
ante by bombing the USS Cole in Yemen "to tell the US that
we can deal it a blow whenever and wherever we want, on the
land, in the sea or in the air".
Bin Laden took to reciting anti-American poems at weddings
that eulogized slain martyrs. He personally met cadres
seeking dangerous missions and gave his approval, while
leaving the operational planning to lieutenants. One man
tasked with bombing a North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) base in Belgium heard from bin Laden "that I could
consider him as my father. This is the reason I'm very fond
of him." Regional rivalries among al-Qaeda members worried
bin Laden and he deputed aides to work on them constantly.
Around the planet, "a strong, almost mystical desire among
jihadis to travel to meet him" emerged.
The Tunisian assassin of Masood swore personal loyalty to
bin Laden and took his orders. The "Sheikh" wanted Masood
dead before September 11, 2001, "because he harmed Allah and
his sons". Ramzi bin al-Shibh personally apprised bin Laden
of the timing of the September 11 attacks five days before
they happened. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the operational head
of the attacks, "found in bin Laden some sort of a mentor, a
religious umbrella". For bin Laden, "the Pentagon was a
Jewish target". Abdul Aziz Omari, one of the hijackers,
asked in his videotaped will: "May God add these deeds to
Sheikh bin Laden's balance of good deeds."
September 11 was a tiding to bin Laden that for the first
time in the modern age, "the balance of terror has been
closed between Muslims and Americans". He watched Cable News
Network and the British Broadcasting Corp to gauge the
aftermath of the attacks, violating the Taliban's television
ban. "I am fighting a big war, and I have to monitor the
activities of my enemy through these TV channels." He named
his newest daughter Safia, who would "kill enemies of Islam
like Safia of the Prophet's time".
As the US overthrew the Taliban, bin Laden moved from
Kandahar to Jalalabad and then disappeared into the Tora
Bora Mountains on the Pakistani border. Though pushed
against the wall, he gloated from his hideout that "American
ground forces did not dare to go into our posts. What sign
is more than that of their cowardice?" On the run, bin Laden
adopted the brief of an "elder statesman of jihad", gaining
in forcefulness and self-confidence with every new audio-
and videotape release. In 2002, he set the grammar of jihad
with the comment: "As you assassinate, so will you be, and
as you bomb, so will you likewise be." To people around him,
he represented "the pioneers of early Islamic history - the
Prophet's companions".
Bin Laden considered the acquisition of nuclear and chemical
weapons "a religious duty". He endorsed al-Qaeda missions to
secure enriched uranium since 1993 and banked on "our
Pakistani friends" to gain know-how about weapons of mass
destruction. Al-Qaeda conducted experiments on dogs with
chemical weapons, since "using them will give the mujahideen
credibility, prestige and psychological influence". Bergen
discounts bin Laden's and Zawahiri's bravado about already
having a nuclear deterrent in place, but feels it is
certainly possible that al-Qaeda can launch a radiological
("dirty bomb") attack.
The US occupation of Iraq energized al-Qaeda and
jihad-minded Muslims. In 2004, bin Laden announced a reward
of "ten kilos of gold to anyone who kills" US dignitaries in
Iraq. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the insurgent commander in Iraq
killed this week in a US air strike, publicly declared
allegiance to bin Laden despite his ideological differences
with the "Sheikh". Zawahiri asked Zarqawi to halt attacks on
Shi'ites since "this won't be acceptable to the Muslim
populace, however much you have tried to explain it". Al-Qaeda's
main contribution to the anti-US resistance in Iraq is
infiltration of Saudi jihadis in large numbers.
Today, "Bin Ladenism" - fervent opposition to Western
foreign policies in the Middle East and the desire for rule
by sharia, or Islamic law - is a potent set of ideas that
will survive bin Laden's death or capture. Yet bin Laden's
grander design of inciting a clash of civilizations has not
fully fructified. Bergen's conclusion is that "he was a man
whose violent tactics became his only strategy".
Self-abnegating prince, cold-hearted zealot, obstinate and
fearless warrior, master manipulator of media, survivor -
these are the snapshots running through Bergen's candid
biography of the living legend who continues to inflame the
The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda's
Leader by Peter Bergen. Free Press, New York, 2006.
ISBN: 0-7432-7891-7. Price: US$26, 444 pages.
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