For reasons of state
Deadly Connections. States That Sponsor Terrorism
by Daniel Byman
Reviewed by Sreeram Chaulia
Since the end of the Cold War, a myopic fad of obfuscating
state-sponsored terrorism as "old talk" has set in,
paralleling the fascination among current affairs
commentators for non-state actor violence.
In this methodical survey of the regimes that create,
nurture, mould and abuse terrorist groups for
self-interested objectives, Professor Daniel Byman of
Georgetown University restores the state back to the
epicenter of the problem. The author's central message is
that puppets cannot dance without powerful governmental
manipulators. For terrorism to recede, the states profiting
from it have to be reined in.

State-sponsored terrorists are more able and willing to
kill in large numbers than autochthonous fringe radicals.
State-supported terrorist outfits flourish because they are
less vulnerable to arrest or disruption. Iran's backing
transformed Hezbollah from a disorganized ragtag collection
of fighters into a formidable movement that is "a notch
above al-Qaeda in many ways". (p 97)
From the terrorist group's point of view, state sponsorship
is a devil's bargain. States hold terrorist proteges on a
short leash, pulling back whenever they fear direct military
clashes with the victim state or international condemnation.
Attacks not conducted or targets not struck are good
measures of the degree of state control over a terrorist
Pakistan, for instance, applies limits on its proxies waging
jihad against India in response to US pressure or fear of
escalation from New Delhi. Libya and Iraq were notoriously
fickle sponsors, alternatively hosting and expelling
Palestinian terrorist groups as state goals adjusted to the
changing environment.
Byman defines terrorism as violence perpetrated by a
non-state entity against non-combatants. "Terrorist-like"
actions carried out directly by agents of state are covert
acts of war and not equated to terrorism. State sponsorship
of terrorism takes different values on a spectrum. Pakistan
is an active sponsor of groups fighting for Kashmir, but a
passive sponsor of al-Qaeda, turning a blind eye to the
latter's bases in the country. States also switch from one
form of active support to another, modulating their strings
Though far from ideal, terrorism offers weak states a force
multiplier for augmenting their feeble conventional sources
of power. States choose terrorism instead of more
traditional instruments of statecraft due to three general
motivations - strategic, domestic political and ideological.
Often, states prop up terrorists for overlapping with
insurgencies in which they have a strategic stake.
Destabilization of neighboring states over disputed
territory or hostile alliances is one of the leading causes
for terrorist sponsorship. Iran and Iraq have sustained
numerous terrorist groups against each other in an endless
game of revenge.
Projecting power regionally, toppling regimes and replacing
them with more amenable leaderships, and shaping the nature
of opposition against a hated foe (Arab states and
Palestinian groups) are other strategic reasons for
sponsorship. Exporting an ideology or political system can
introduce terrorists as the vanguard of a revolutionary
state. Such state sponsors believe that victory is
inevitable, whether it is blessed by God or some other
deterministic force. Some states abet terrorism as a means
to enhance their international prestige and long shadows as
regional leaders.
Domestic political motives for sponsorship stem from desires
to aid religious or ethnic kindred who are perceived as
oppressed or from tactics of bolstering the state's position
against dissidents and critics. Pakistani elites, for
example, use the Kashmir cause to appease the armed forces
or to shore up unity at home among disparate communities
that are at loggerheads.
Active sponsorship can be operationalized through several
assistance mechanisms - training and operational aid through
the state's skilled professionals, money, passports, safe
passage, front companies and NGOs, diplomatic sympathy,
criticism of victim states' human rights records,
ideological direction, safe sanctuary etc. Target states
that are at the receiving end of terrorism find it difficult
to deliver knockout blows to state-sponsored outfits owing
to diplomatic complications, constraints on intelligence
gathering and politicization of the terrorist cause.
Byman's first case study is Iran's mentor relationship with
Hezbollah, a product of theology and strategic thinking in
Tehran. Hezbollah was created to spread the Iranian
revolution and prevent Western takeover of Lebanon. It was a
loyal proxy that advanced Iran's agenda without provoking
military retaliation from Israel and aided in eliminating
pro-Iraq groups in Lebanon and anti-Khomeini dissident
Iranians in Europe.
Hezbollah received tactical guidance from Iranian diplomats,
fundamentalist ardor from Iranian clerics and rigorous
training from Iranian intelligence. A state subsidy of
US$100 million was also given to Hezbollah at its peak in
the 1980s for humanitarian and social work. After (Ayatollah
Ruhollah) Khomeini, Iran slightly distanced itself from
Hezbollah and urged its "Lebanonization", thanks to growing
costs of sponsorship. American covert attempts to overthrow
the government in Tehran, sinking of Iranian ships and
economic sanctions hurt Iran considerably. Friction with
Syria, Turkey and the Gulf Cooperation Council also raised
the costs of underwriting Hezbollah.
Byman's second case study is Syria's "antagonistic
sponsorship" of Palestinian terrorists. Aiming to improve
bargaining vis-a-vis Israel and as part of its rivalry with
Jordan and Iraq, Damascus has opened and shut the taps on an
array of Palestinian groups. The Assad dynasty, which
belongs to the minority Alawi community, also supports
terrorist causes to make up for its legitimacy deficit in
Syrian society.
After being routed by Israel in 1967, 1973 and 1982 (in
Lebanon), direct military confrontation was unthinkable for
Syria. Terrorism came in handy to level this asymmetry.
Since the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) fiercely
resisted Syrian hegemony, Damascus consistently backed
former PLO leader Yasser Arafat's rival outfits - Hamas,
Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
and PFLP-General Command. These groups were trained in
Lebanon with Iranian collaboration and handled by Syria's
Directorate of Internal Security.
As Syria widened the fissures in the Palestinian nationalist
movement, it unwittingly gave Israel the upper hand. Other
costs of sponsorship incurred by Damascus are Israeli
hesitation to return occupied land and US sanctions. Syria
did abandon the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) in 1998 under
threat of massive Turkish military attack, but it remains an
active sponsor of Palestinian groups despite the costs.
Byman's third case study is Pakistan's funding, arming,
training and diplomatic support of varied terrorist groups
active in Indian Kashmir. So close is the tie between the
Pakistani state and these outfits that its Inter-Services
Intelligence (ISI) "selects targets, including civilian ones
and knows about major attacks in advance". (p 156)
After jettisoning secular groups early in the Kashmir
insurgency, Islamabad placed its bets on Islamicizing
movements such as Jaish-e-Muhammad, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and
Lashkar-e-Toiba. Pakistan also inserted foreign fighters
from the Taliban and al-Qaeda to boost the sagging fortunes
of these movements from time to time. Due to the sanctuary
offered on Pakistani soil, New Delhi has not succeeded in
crushing the cells that infiltrate and exfiltrate across
The broad bureaucratic and political support for annexing
Kashmir means that Pakistan can never snap its ties to the
terror groups, despite the tarnishing of its image and
backdoor American arm-twisting. Byman make a very pertinent
point in this regard that "Pakistan's cooperation on
al-Qaeda limits US leverage on Kashmir." (p 185)
The last case study of the book is that of Afghanistan under
the Taliban and its symbiosis with al-Qaeda from 1996 to
2001. Unique in the annals of state sponsorship, al-Qaeda
had more influence on its state sponsor by virtue of its
indispensable military and financial largesse than the other
way around.
Unlike other conventional state sponsors, the Taliban did
not and could not restrict al-Qaeda operations. Another
distinct feature of this case is that "the story of the
Taliban's support for al-Qaeda is a triangular one: it
includes Pakistan. (p 189) From the haven in Afghanistan,
al-Qaeda raised 10,000 to 20,000 guerrillas to wage
insurgencies around the world and a smaller but more lethal
number of terrorists that carried out sensational attacks in
several states. Since the Taliban were dethroned, al-Qaeda
has managed to survive but lost the freedom and scope to
recruit and plan on the same scale as before.
Byman's chapter on passive sponsors focuses on diasporas and
public-opinion factors that push some states to turn a blind
eye to terrorist mobilization, fund-raising and regrouping.
The Saudi Arabian state allowed private individuals and
charities to donate to terrorist causes in Kashmir,
Chechnya, Bosnia, Afghanistan and elsewhere as a strategy of
managing domestic dissent.
Only after the May and November 2003 attacks in the kingdom
did Riyadh move to substantively improve its
counter-terrorism capacity. Nonetheless, unofficial Saudi
financial support for radical Wahhabi (Islamic reform)
movements continues right under the nose of the US.
Byman adds mini-studies of Greece and the November 17 group
as well as the US and the Provisional Irish Republican Army
to argue that passive support for terrorism can be overcome
through policy interventions that raise the costs of apathy
for the sponsor.
Moving to cracking the harder nut of active sponsorship, the
author feels that it is "difficult at best and impossible at
worst". (p 273) Punishments often fail to amend behavior of
active sponsors, as they cleverly anticipate the feasible
range of boomerangs before starting to shelter and train
Ideologically possessed sponsors are the most intractable,
due to their irrational policy calculus. Some states are
adept at tactical concessions that preserve the groups under
new names or in temporary hibernation. A first step in
effective counter-terrorism would be to recognize variations
in the motivations of the sponsor and tailor responses
One-size-fits-all solutions fail. Economic sanctions were
unsuitable for Iran under Khomeini and Afghanistan under the
Taliban. Limited use of force backfired by boosting
Hezbollah's popularity when Israel attacked Lebanon in 1993
and 1996. Byman faults the US for failing to set priorities
and mixing up counter-terrorism with other foreign-policy
concerns such as non-proliferation, drug trafficking and
human rights.
Multilateralism always yields better outcomes, as the case
of Libya's big turnaround under pressure of UN sanctions
demonstrates. Byman stresses the vitality of timing in
counter-terrorism. Potential shifts such as a change in
leadership, the regional balance of power or a fall in price
of a key export can raise chances of successfully coercing
state sponsors.
Among the lessons for victim states and dissuaders, Byman
calls for putting an end to the fiction of deniability
behind which sponsors hide. The burden of proof should be on
the accused state. Lowering the international bar on
legitimate escalation against sponsors allows the victim
state to respond adequately. Demanding a high standard for
regime accountability and creating a strong norm against
state sponsorship at the international level are also
necessary for preempting new state sponsors from emerging.
This book is recommendable as a course-correcting
comparative study of terrorism. It shatters the myth that
non-state terrorist groups have taken over the sordid
business of deliberate violence against civilians. The
paradigm is still a state-centric world with state-sponsored
terrorists penetrating and weakening enemy states. At least
in this sphere of transnational affairs, nothing has changed
drastically from the Cold War era when proxies were
normalized as weapons of indirect warfare.
Deadly Connections. States That Sponsor Terrorism by
Daniel Byman. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2005.
ISBN: 0-521-83973-4. Price US$30.00, 369 pages.
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