Tinsel politics return in India
By Sreeram Chaulia
The advent of Chiranjeevi's Praja Rajyam (People's Rule)
party in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh has reignited an
old trend of Tollywood stars cashing in on personas to
catapult themselves to power, with the 53-year-old actor
only the latest in a long string of matinee idols to make a
foray into politics.
Chiranjeevi's glittering entrance has prompted feverish
speculation in Andhra over the possible impact his party
will have on the ruling Congress and opposition Telugu Desam
Party. Opinions vary over which will bear the brunt of the
wildcard entry and optimistic commentators say the
Chiranjeevi factor could lead to a defeat of ruling party
and marginalization of the opposition.
Given the arithmetic of "vote banks", which fluctuate with
caste and regional heterogeneity in Andhra Pradesh, and the
widening of the fray due to Chiranjeevi's foray, it is also
possible that next year's state assembly elections could
produce a hung assembly. Andhra may then become another
Uttar Pradesh, the north Indian state where a triangulation
of the political space has led to frequent expediential
alliances for control of the chessboard.

Numbers aside, the advent of Praja Rajyam has not yet
analyzed in terms of its deeper significance for political
participation and political efficacy, two main dimensions of
India's democracy. The party claims that Chiranjeevi's
charisma is attracting younger supporters all over Andhra,
and will draw them into polling booths with unparalleled
While this seems encouraging for democracy, the question
remains as to why Indians need the lightning rod of a film
star to increase their political participation. When there
are traditionally low levels of civic consciousness and
involvement in public issues, apathy could be shaken by an
electrifying figure - exactly the kind of effect with which
admirers credit Chiranjeevi.
But when civic crusaders in Andhra came together in 2006 to
convert electoral watchdog Lok Satta into a political party,
there was no comparable hysteria that it may embolden the
people to demand better standards of governance. Despite Lok
Satta's long and respectable track record of advocacy for
raising voter awareness and integrity in public life, its
reincarnation as a party was not portrayed in the media as a
thunderbolt which would usher in a new era of clean
The hoopla surrounding Praja Rajyam is thus a reminder of
the deficiencies in India's political culture, where glitter
and glamour get huge lifts from opinion makers at the cost
of genuine parties which promise to reform the system.
A closer examination of Chiranjeevi's message is also a
cause for concern, with his inaugural speech at the temple
town of Tirupati on August 26 showcasing a Praja Rajyam
which will cast a wide net as a catch-all party. By
simultaneously positioning himself as an opponent of special
economic zones - as they displace the poor - and as a
proponent of attracting rich investors, he sent mixed
He also announced a wait-and-see approach towards the
critical state-relevant issues of separatism in Telangana
and affirmative action for downtrodden castes, revealing an
opportunistic core.
Political parties in India are increasingly bereft of good
campaign issues, and Praja Rajyam is a prime example. With
no ideological cachet of his own, Chiranjeevi is attempting
to ride his personal charm as a film star into the seat of
power. The political arena can truly expand if newcomers
offer something distinct and clearly identifiable by voters,
yet Praja Rajyam shows no ideological clarity of its own,
except for the banal declaration that his is a "party of
social justice".
In a bygone era, doyen of popular cinema in Andhra,
Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, commonly known as NTR, generated
waves of Telugu regional pride as he swept to power at the
1983 assembly elections, at a time when there were no strong
regional parties in Andhra politics. The development of
strong regional parties like NTR's, which catered to their
respective linguistic states, was imperative if India's
federalism was to survive and take root.
The extraordinary success of NTR achieved this goal and
eventually also sowed the seeds for bi-partism in national
politics, by providing an alternative to the hitherto
permanent rule of the Congress in New Delhi.
Comparisons between NTR's storming of Andhra politics and
Chiranjeevi's bid are being made ad nauseam these days, but
it bears reminding that the former took on the mantle of
public leadership long before his formal launch of Telugu
In 1952, NTR sensitized Telugu people to the plight of
drought-prone Rayalaseeema and raised funds for relief
supplies, a feat he repeated in 1977 for cyclone victims in
Diviseema. During India's 1965 conflict with Pakistan, NTR
was at the forefront of galvanizing the public in Andhra to
donate to a central defense fund at a crucial juncture of
the country's history.
NTR also enjoyed the unanimous backing of the Telugu film
industry when he took stands for public causes. The goodwill
and gratitude he earned in the movie trade over the course
of his 300-odd-film career was unmatched, and a critical
reservoir of support for Telugu Desam.
On all the above counts, Chiranjeevi fails to match NTR's
achievements. The NTR-Chiranjeevi comparison illustrates
that mere acclaim as an actor is neither necessary nor
sufficient for winning elections or, more importantly,
solving people's problems. Phenomena such as NTR and
Maruthur Gopala Ramachandran Menon, the south Indian cinema
colossus who was chief minister of Andhra's neighboring
state Tamil Nadu for seven years, did capitalize on their
magnetic screen presence - but also harnessed long years of
civic engagement.
Sheer movie star power has never been enough to mesmerize
the world public, and former US president and film star,
Ronald Reagan earned his spurs as a progressive head of the
Hollywood Screen Actors Guild in the 1930s at a time when
exploitation of workers in the American film industry was
de rigueur.
Action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger also had political
affiliations with the Republican Party dating to 1968 before
he became the governor of California. Former Philippine
president and movie icon Joseph Estrada served as a mayor
and senator for decades before he rose to his country's top
political office.
Historian Ramachandra Guha argues that, compared to their
Bollywood peers in the Hindi heartland, southern Indian film
stars have a greater following and larger-than-life auras
because they apotheosize unique sub-nationalisms and
linguistic identities in the most multicultural country of
the world. Chiranjeevi does not fit this bill because of the
diluted ideology and vagueness of Praja Rajyam, which is
emerging as neither fish nor fowl.
While fans of the actor have hailed his new starring role in
politics, the overall implications of his arrival do not
bode well for the theory and practice of democracy in India.
Sreeram Chaulia is a researcher on international
affairs at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public
Affairs in Syracuse, New York.
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