Skewed portrait of India's Iron Lady
A review of Katherine Frank's Indira: The Life of Indira Nehru
Gandhi. Houghton Mifflin Publishers, New York 2002.
ISBN0-395-73097-X. US price $35. 567 pages.
By Sreeram Sundar Chaulia
After Maneka Gandhi filed a libel suit in London against Katherine Frank
for defaming the late Sanjay Gandhi in this book, media pundits wrote
off as implausible the possibility that British courts would ever uphold
calumny charges when the subject is not alive. Rukun Advani, with
elemental comic savagery, advised Maneka in an article in The Hindu that
she should "drop these unconvincing book cases and go back to
loving the animal kingdom".
Against legal odds and coffee-table speculation, Indira Gandhi's
much-abhorred daughter-in-law had the last laugh and was awarded damages
for scurrility in November 2001 with the guarantee that future editions
of the book would be suitably amended to delete the objectionable
sections. The version under review is the uncensored American one.
Having elicited rave reviews in the Western press and won advance
ballyhoos from the publishers as a "major new" biography of
the original Iron Lady of Indian and world politics, the book lures the
serious reader and historian into hoping that it offers much more than
merely the sensational ingredients that fueled the Sanjay-Maneka
controversy. Anticlimactically, Katherine Frank fails to deliver on
multiple fronts.
Indira's insecure and lonesome childhood, domestic tussles, disharmony
in the Nehru household (particularly Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit's abuse of
Kamla Nehru), and Motilal and Jawaharlal's choice to pursue careers in
nationalist politics and their subsequent neglect of little "Indu
boy" are all well elaborated. However, no further psychoanalytical
inferences are drawn about how this may have contributed to her
notorious latter-day paranoia and siege mentality that everyone was
"out to get her".
The epistolary relationship between jailbird Jawaharlal and Indira that
plays out intermittently until independence day, is shown to be loaded
with tension and unspoken gulfs, but although the author dwells at great
length on the father-daughter correspondence, she is unable to pinpoint
why exactly the two erected mental barriers before each other and
whether this is in any way transformed after Nehru becomes prime
minister and Indira dons his housekeeper's mantle in Teen Murti.
A whole chapter caters to Indira's one year spent in Switzerland
undergoing treatment for tuberculosis (1939-40), and her frailty,
sickliness and perpetually ill and peripatetic youth are constant themes
throughout the first part of the book, but again no significant link is
adduced between this unhappy early existence and Indira's fearlessness
of death and suffering when at the helm of India for 15 years.
Despite chronologically tracing the evolution of her thought process,
Frank has not attempted to decipher an eternal mystery: What was Indira
Gandhi's core ideology? In 1937, struggling to pass the honors entrance
exam in Oxford, she chides Nehru for accepting the invitation of a
pro-fascist British politician belonging to the "Cliveden
set". In 1940, when the USSR invades Finland and Nehru criticizes
the action, she starkly disagrees with her father and places herself to
the left of Nehru by terming Finland "repressive and
totalitarian" (p 154). The influence of extreme leftist friends
like Feroze Gandhi, P N Haksar and Krishna Menon certainly reddens
Indira's radicalism in Europe, as the author notes, but then can her
post-prime ministerial demarches of bank nationalization, abolition of
privy purses, garibi hatao, "Ten Point Program" and
pro-Soviet foreign policy be also viewed as continuums of her
ideological convictions or pure populist posturing for garnering votes
and public adulation? Frank suggests, "frequently in Indira's life,
ideological and self-preserving initiatives overlapped" (p 311),
but this is akin to unconvincingly arguing that in 1929, when Josef
Stalin swerved the Soviet Union irrevocably to the left, it served both
the consolidation of his dictatorship as well as his genuine communist
As P V Narasimha Rao has revealed in The Insider, Indira failed,
notwithstanding the rhetoric of inheriting Nehru's principles, to
redress fundamental injustices in rural land ownership patterns. The
Emergency (1975-77) is a classic case of her leftist hypocrisy unmasked,
what with draconian measures pushed down the country's throat in the
name of assaults on poverty, smuggling, tax evasion and land baronetcy.
Frank notes the irony that "the most numerous victims of the
Emergency were the poor whom she claimed the Emergency intended to help
and protect" (p 401). Surely, there is an inveterate cynicism in
Indira's pro-poor and "progressive" grandstanding that has for
its engine a rabid conservative, totalitarian and pro-capitalist
"rising son" like Sanjay Gandhi!
While Frank stalks Indira's youth like a shadow, rattling off in the
manner of a diarist what she did every day of her life, she accords
scanty treatment to some very significant and puzzling decisions taken
in her later years. What prompts the U-turn of January 1977 when she
flabbergasts the whole nation by announcing fresh elections? Why does
she begin toying with state governments and dismiss them at will without
realizing the disastrous consequences to the country's unity and to her
own survival? What exactly drives her to defenestrate Farooq Abdullah in
Kashmir, Darbara Singh in Punjab and N T Rama Rao in Andhra Pradesh,
against all constitutional and moral proprieties?
Frank follows the hackneyed line of reasoning that Indira, the legendary
savorer of challenges, had lost her superb political acumen and sense of
timing after the shock of Sanjay's accidental death. But it is an
unanswered riddle how the quintessential secular politician starts
playing the "Hindu card" and believing in anchorites during
the early '80s. "Decline" theory serves as an easy escape for
the ex post facto analyst, but Frank disregards the tremendous
mandate Indira receives on her comeback trail in 1980 and the buoyancy
with which she resumes office after the Janata interlude. Desperate
resort to the likes of Bhindranwale bespeaks not of an astute
stateswoman who has lost track of the "art of the possible",
but of a megalomaniac. Frank grossly understates by averring, "she
was guilty of hubris but not megalomania" (p 410).
The only illuminative service Frank's voluminous biography renders is to
deconstruct the myth of an invincible and Machiavellian Indira and
instead posit an alternate vulnerable (even brittle) Iron Lady, whose
whole life reads like that of the heroine of a grandiose Greek tragedy.
In the author's estimate, Indira never experiences true happiness,
private or public, and beneath her hankering for power is a soft
feminine core that yearns to escape from the incarcerating duties
history has imposed on her. Contrasted to numerous other portraits of
Indira, Frank's Indira is cast not as a cold, revengeful, ruthless and
manipulative operator but as a gentle soul who unsuccessfully struggles
with destiny and circumstantially strays away from the ideals of her
illustrious father.
Had less print been allotted to Sanjay Gandhi's countless criminal
exploits (including the murder of his own father-in-law) or to salacious
tidbits about the alleged amours of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty (Nehru-Padmaja
Naidu, Nehru-Edwina Mountbatten, Feroze-Kamla Nehru, Feroze- Lekha
Pandit, Indira-M O Mathai, Indira-Dinesh Singh, Indira-Dhirendra
Brahmachari), and adequate coverage given to the questions and
conundrums mooted in this review, Frank's could have been a far more
balanced and recommendable biography. One need not venture to the extent
of concurring with the unlikeliest of reviewers, Maneka Gandhi, that
"the book was absolute rubbish and didn't deserve to be given the
kind of publicity it was given", but Katherine Frank has left too
many loose ends untied and proves herself a poor organizer of
information and an inept optimizer of publishing space.
The best and most readable sources for the Iron Lady's fascinating and
turbulent life still remain Pupul Jayakar's Indira Gandhi: An
Intimate Biography (1993) and Inder Malhotra's Indira Gandhi: A
Personal and Political Biography (1991).