India caught in a terror tangle
By Sreeram Chaulia
It is a year since terrorist attacks rocked Mumbai last
November, yet the old maladies of inefficiency, turf wars,
duplication and functional overlaps that have dogged the
Indian national security establishment for decades continue
to derail the state's capacity to prevent a repetition of
such catastrophes.
The Mumbai attacks began on November 26 and lasted until
November 29, during which 10 militants killed at least 173
people and wounded at least 308. All but one of the
attackers was killed; Pakistani Mohammed Ajmal Amir, alias
Kasab, and two Indian co-defendants accused of helping plot
the attacks have been charged with 12 counts, including
murder and waging war against India. If convicted, all three
could face the death penalty. A verdict is due soon.
The ills in India's intelligence apparatus were highlighted
recently when India's Home Minister P Chidambaram announced
a new chief for the proposed National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID)
project for counter-terrorism. This is an ambitious venture
to pool all data and information relating to a person -
ranging from bank accounts, rail and air travel to income
tax, telephone and Internet usage. Without being obtrusive,
NATGRID is mandated to link 21 different databases for the
access of 10 security agencies.

While it sounds like an innovate idea that could enable
the speedy detection and interception of
security threats,
NATGRID is symptomatic of the troubles plaguing India's
divided state.
It is the brainchild of the Home Ministry, which sees itself
as a veteran in competition with the office of the
National Security Advisor
(NSA) for the prized position as the lead governmental node
handling strategic issues.
The NSA, which falls under the all-powerful Prime Minister's
Office, already has under its aegis, since 2004, the
National Technical Research Organization (NTRO) - a highly
specialized technical intelligence-gathering "super-feeder
agency" - to act as a clearing house for all other members
of the security establishment. Modeled after the US National
Security Agency, NTRO had until recently been dubbed
"India's newest secret agency". Now, the Home Ministry's
NATGRID, or one or other of the ever-mushrooming pet
creations of the vast Indian bureaucracy, might vie for this
honor as they build their own personnel, budgets and images.
The Home Ministry has also just floated the idea of forming
a National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC), again borrowing
a leaf from the American book, although this new body would
have major overlaps in terms of technology and processes
with the pre-existing NTRO.
In May, just after the ruling Congress-led coalition
retained power in general elections, the politically
heavyweight Home Ministry began advocating a new Centralized
Lawful Interception and Monitoring System that would
"monitor all communication traffic to tighten the country's
security and surveillance set-up" and catch early warning
signals of impending terrorist attacks. These tasks, again,
were hitherto being managed by a full-fledged department of
the NTRO.
There have been 20 major terrorist strikes in India since
2001, including attacks by militants in Jammu and Kashmir
and on parliament in New Delhi, as well as bombings
throughout the country.
Prior to last year's attack in Mumbai, the deadliest strikes
was the bombing of several railway stations and trains in
the city in July 2006, with some 180 people killed. In May
2008, bombs exploded in crowded markets outside Hindu
temples in the popular tourist destination of Jaipur,
killing at least 60. In August 2008, National Security
Advisor M K Narayanan said that as many as 800 terrorist
cells operated in the country.
The domestic Intelligence Bureau (IB), which comes under the
purview of the Home Ministry, has also been active in the
area of Internet telephony and interception of potential
terrorist conversations, adding to the plethora of
trespassing mechanisms over and above the heads of existing
entities. The IB is now readying for the establishment of a
new counter-intelligence center under its supervision.
NTRO has struggled in other intramural battles with its
notionally allied organization in the labyrinthine state
security apparatus, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW),
India's external intelligence organization. The latter's
failures in detecting Pakistani intrusions prior to the
brief 1999 Kargil war had elicited criticism of its monopoly
over foreign intelligence-gathering and culminated in calls
to detach RAW's Aviation Research Center (ARC) and merge it
with NTRO as a single super agency for technical
intelligence. This handover has not been fully accomplished
to date and continues to keep the scorebook of bureaucratic
wrangling open with highly wasteful expenditure and possible
national security costs.
Often mocked as a "soft state" that has failed to rectify
dysfunctional behavior, India can be better understood as a
flabby state with far too many agencies, which work at
cross-purposes and keep the structure unprepared and
uncoordinated for the next potentially devastating blow of
anti-national actors. The gaps and loopholes in the state's
counter-terrorist response system have ironically grown with
the proliferation of more and more agencies and projects.
So bureaucratically dense has the web of competing interests
and responsibilities within the Indian state become since
the Mumbai attacks that the larger purpose of doing social
good by advancing protection of citizens has been subsumed
by a "me too" attitude in which everyone and anyone who has
some clout within government will press a finger into the
In this game of bureaucratic politics, who gets which piece
of the cake in terms of influence and counterbalancing
"pull" (a uniquely Indian term referring to leveraging
power) has overshadowed the core mission of finessing state
responses to multifarious threats.
Indian's melee of multiplying committees, bodies and
agencies scarcely boosts the average citizen's confidence
that he or she can be safer after all the revamps and
A state is not a monolith but a vast constellation of
loosely allied institutions, organizations and centers of
power. Visualized from the summit or the apex, the state
reproduces itself like hydra into smaller ramifications that
carry the seal of sovereignty into the spaces that are
inhabited by citizens. The give-and-take between these state
agencies and the public is theoretically based on mutual
trust and need. Unfortunately, the one-upmanship games
bedeviling the Indian security structure have not done
justice to this quid pro quo, which lies at the heart of
contemporary political life.
One pattern emerging from the mess of the flabby Indian
state is the attempt of its top echelons to emulate the
United States in terms of merging, refurbishing or creating
anew specialized agencies to tackle emerging security risks.
What Indian policymakers may have missed in the process of
learning lessons from the US is that the latter has been
historically bogged down with the same severe symptoms of
bureaucratic politicking.
The legendary tussles over policy and privilege between
secretaries of state and national security advisers (William
Rogers vs Henry Kissinger during the Richard Nixon
administration, Cyrus Vance vs Zbigniew Brzezinski under
president Jimmy Carter), as well as between the dovish
secretary of state Colin Powell and the neo-conservative
defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, in the George W Bush
presidency, have hatched countless instances of bungling and
Currently, the US intelligence family is trapped in serious
internecine squabbles, with the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) locking horns with the Director of National
Intelligence over rights of appointment of operatives in
some foreign cities. US Vice President Joseph Biden
intervened on behalf of the CIA, but the fight is still on,
according to a Time magazine scoop. Foreign Policy magazine
reported in November that the State Department and the
Pentagon are now waging "a full-fledged fight over money"
for foreign aid and security assistance programs.
From available open sources, it is also evident that the CIA
is battling the ultra-secretive National Reconnaissance
Office (NRO), which builds and operates spy satellites.
NRO's ex-inspector general is suing some senior CIA
officials with claims that they conspired to remove him from
his office due to a "personal vendetta" - a throwback to
over a decade of institutional jousting and stepping on one
another's toes.
The Indian and American examples of disarrayed security
systems suggest that most states (especially democratic
ones) are prone to infighting and reinvention of the wheel
and that nothing really can be done to repair this
intractable structural disorder.
But simply recognizing the "nature of the beast" and moving
on does not cure the core illness of flabby states and
leaves citizens highly vulnerable to terrorist attacks.
In India, ultimately, it is incumbent on Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh, who has overriding authority, to intervene
to set the cacophonous security house in order before it is
too late.
Sreeram Chaulia is associate professor of world
politics at the OP Jindal Global University in Sonipat,
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