The strongmen's benefactors
The Temptations of Tyranny in Central Asia by
David Lewis
Reviewed by Sreeram Chaulia
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, much of Central Asia
has been ruled by a set of brutal feudal patriarchs
reminiscent of the despotic Khans of Medieval times. These
resilient authoritarians run countries like personal
fiefdoms, inscribing "first family" control over the media,
political parties and businesses, and unleashing repressive
security apparatuses on impoverished people. Cults of
personality, megalomania and exacting restrictions on
citizens' freedoms mark these regimes as particularly
egregious dictatorships that have few parallels in the
In this new book, based on thousands of interviews in the
region between 2001 and 2005, British scholar David Lewis
explains the international and domestic factors that allow
Central Asian tyrants to successfully hold sway. His account
of autocratic survival abetted by foreign patrons uncovers
complex political realities of a scantly understood part of
Asia and exposes the double standards and myths of Western
"democracy promotion".

Lewis commences his story with Uzbekistan, where the
former communist strongman Islam Karimov has reigned with an
iron fist for the past 18 years. The US invasion of
Afghanistan in late 2001 reduced the threat of the Islamic
Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and brought hundreds of
millions of dollars in multilateral aid to Karimov in
exchange for the Khanabad air base. Western diplomats began
a charade of portraying the sadistic Uzbek president as a
Southeast Asian-style "authoritarian modernizer" with whom
one "could do business with". (p 18)
Washington equated Uzbekistan's independence from Russian
control with "freedom" and showered praise on Karimov's
republic of torture. In sharp contrast to their
saboteur-like roles in Georgia and Ukraine, US
"democratization non-governmental organizations (NGO)" like
Freedom House cooperated as closely as possible with
Karimov's government while it blatantly rigged the 2004
parliamentary elections. Lewis terms the entire exercise "a
game of rhetoric and reality that continued for four years"
during which Karimov's emboldened
police state grew harsher. (p 17)
In May 2005, pent-up frustrations over unemployment,
injustice and limits on border trade with Kyrgyzstan erupted
into mass revolt in the eastern town of Andijan. Karimov's
army opened indiscriminate fire, killing as many as 750
demonstrators in a bloodbath. Washington bought Karimov's
line that it was a defensive action against Islamist
terrorists and immediately expressed concern about the
escape of these "terrorists" from an Andijan jail.
The tight relationship between the US and Uzbekistan
worsened in the later part of 2005, but it had more to do
with Karimov's gravitation into the Russian sphere rather
than exposure of the reality about the Andijan massacre.
Even after the Americans lost their military base, they
wanted to keep their options open and avoided pushing for
international sanctions of Karimov's murderous regime.
Union went to the extent of relaxing its
sanctions in 2007 at the urging of
Germany, which was eager to retain its
Termez military base on Uzbek soil. Lewis summarizes the
American failure in Uzbekistan as a casualty of "simplistic
military-led geopolitics that undermined promoting democracy
and economic reform". (p 73)
The author then moves to Turkmenistan, where another
communist-era narcissist, Saparmurat Niyazov, eliminated all
rivals with clinical ruthlessness and anointed himself
president for life. To produce a politically compliant and
educationally backward population, Niyazov deliberately
restructured the national education system by cramming the
syllabus with self-glorifying propaganda, thereby deskilling
the country's youth. Narrow Turkmen nationalism was promoted
endlessly to the detriment of Russian and Uzbek minorities,
as part of an "official policy of racial purity and ethnic
cleansing". (p 97)
Niyazov's foreign policy of "neutrality" was a guise for
rejecting Turkmenistan's obligations under international
law. Russian ambassadors were obsequious to him on account
of the enormous natural gas reserves that Turkmenistan
exported to their country.
In the 1990s, international interest in Turkmenistan was
limited to getting a slice of its vast energy reserves.
After the US attack on Afghanistan in 2001, Niyazov reaped
the benefits of doubled American aid in return for allowing
transit facilities for the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization into Afghanistan. Lewis terms American policy
as "softer on
rights in Turkmenistan than towards any
comparable dictatorship around the world". (p 108) The
European Union also pandered to Niyazov's bizarre fancies
and doubled aid to his criminal regime for 2004-2009 so
European companies could win contracts in Turkmenistan.
Niyazov's death in December 2006 transferred power to a
cabal of his loyalists, who continued to court Western and
Russian interests by dangling gas pipeline deals. As in
Uzbekistan, international greed put paid to meaningful
domestic political change.
Lewis devotes the next chapter to Kyrgyzstan, where Askar
Akaev - head of the local communist party during the Soviet
Union era - took power after independence in 1991. Unlike
Karimov and Niyazov, Akaev was relatively liberal and
allowed party politics to exist in Kyrgyzstan. By the year
2000, significant political opposition to him had built up
as he tried to gather more powers to the presidency.
The nepotism and corruption of the
presidential family alienated many Kyrgyz
elites and laid the foundation for a major crisis in 2005,
when the results of parliamentary elections were disputed.
Opposition loyalists occupied government buildings in the
southern cities of Osh and Jalalabad as Akaev lost his
nerve. A mob took over the presidential palace in Bishkek
unopposed and Akaev fled to
Russia. He had granted the US military the
Manas air base in 2001, unsettling Russia and China, but he
had grown closer to Moscow by the time of his overthrow.
Lewis denies the importance of Western NGOs in fueling this
"Tulip" revolution, but there is enough evidence to show
that Washington and Moscow cultivated different opposition
figures in the run-up to the elections and had a definite
hand in Akaev's overthrow. In any case, Kurmanbak Bakiev's
successor regime resumed authoritarian politics and
criminalized the state even more than under Akaev. To claim
that the revolution was an instance of democratization would
be a mockery of the term.
Lewis identifies the absence of "a concept of nation" as a
crucial weakness in Central Asian state-building.
Alternative sub-state (tribal and clan) and super-state
(Islamic) identities were stronger than nationalism in the
region, making it easier for despots to develop personalized
neo-feudal regimes. Tajikistan is the best example of a
feudal state under President Emomalii Rahmon, who has
governed like a king with a court of fawning aristocrats.
Rahmon survived a violent civil war in the early 1990s and
went on to eliminate political opposition with the cunning
of Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.
After the September 11, 2001, attacks in the US, Rahmon's
star shone as Western powers realized that the closest
access to invade Afghanistan was through the Tajik capital,
Dushanbe. International recognition and support gave him "a
new sense of confidence" (p 172) to embark on a fresh round
of political purges of old allies and enemies.
Western-funded counter-narcotics projects enriched the very
forces in the Tajik feudal pyramid that they were intended
to stop. Lewis maintains that international assistance led
to a "stable paralysis" in Dushanbe which made Rahmon
difficult to unseat for fear that the whole state structure
would collapse if he fell.
Constant exaggerations by regional governments of the
"Islamic threat" and misuse of
counter-terrorism for clamping down on
legitimate opposition have thrown a blanket over the reality
of radical Islam in Central Asia. Lewis pierces through it
and argues that Saudi and Pakistani-inspired Wahhabi groups
do operate in the region. Factions of the IMU are allied
with the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan
and have been involved in planning terrorist actions on a
global scale.
The Hizb ut-Tahrir is far more popular than the IMU as it
has eschewed violence as a political tactic. Its goal of
reviving the utopian Islamic caliphate has won it a wide
following among lower middle class youths in Uzbekistan and
Kyrgyzstan. Though not a pacifist organization, Hizb's
alleged involvement in the Tashkent bombings of 2004 is not
certain because of the complicity of state agent
provocateurs in the attacks. Apart from IMU and the Hizb,
Pakistan's missionary movement - Tablighi Jamaat - is also
recruiting heavily among prison inmates and former criminals
in Kyrgyzstan. The author remarks that Western governments
lack independent intelligence to distinguish Islamist
terrorists from peaceful political opposition, leaving them
captive to the disinformation of the region's tyrants.
Lewis ends the book with the "complex diplomatic triangle"
among Russia, China and the US that hampers democracy in the
region. Central Asian dictators are adept at playing one
power off against another as a way to dodge popular will for
political change.
To Russian officials, the Western military presence in the
region is an eyesore and a humiliation. The breakthrough for
Moscow came after the Color Revolutions, when beleaguered
regional regimes returned to the Russian embrace as the
saviour of last resort. Like Washington, Moscow
opportunistically spreads its eggs in many baskets and
"frequently discusses alternative pro-Russian leaders [in
the region] for the future". (p 217) As an energy
superpower, Russia uses gas production and electricity
generation to integrate the Central Asian states into its
Despite increased trade and commercial interactions in
recent years, regional fear of China "lurks not far below
the surface". (p 218) Beijing's aggressive stance on
boundary disputes with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan has won it
few friends in the region. The Shanghai Cooperation
Organization, Beijing's brainchild to unify the region under
its leadership, has rolled back American strategic
encroachment but not diminished "suspicions of Chinese
ambitions". (p 222) Like the US, China lacks insights into
the nuances of domestic politics in the region and has made
blunders by backing failing dictators. Yet, Lewis foresees
that Chinese economic penetration of the region might
eventually leave Russia and the West behind.
Russian-inspired mistrust of the US was ever-present in
Central Asia but it was compounded by the hypocrisy of
American foreign policy, which "geopoliticized" values like
democracy and human rights. Lewis quotes Uzbek democrats
wondering "why the US was so supportive of their oppressors
when it was so critical towards governments in, say, Belarus
and Ukraine". (p 228) Washington was never interested in
answering the real problems of ordinary Central Asians and
added one more sordid chapter to its record of abetting
The US could never compete with Russia in economic terms by
bringing significant commercial investments to the region.
The huge shift of American resources from Central Asia to
the Middle East for the Iraq war left Washington in retreat
mode in the region, a withdrawal that will be hard to
reverse in the context of the current search for alternative
supply routes to Afghanistan. Lewis concludes that "Central
Asia underscores the limits of American empire rather than
its global reach". (p 230)
One need go no further than this book to appreciate the link
between neo-imperialism and ruination of people's lives. The
West's machinations in the region were the worst of all as
they paralleled sloganeering and posturing about promoting
"democracy" and "freedom". Russia and China had their share
of blame, but they at least had no pretensions of being on
civilizing missions. Washington and Brussels loudly
proclaimed liberal intent but caused greater damage than
Moscow or Beijing by propping up Central Asia's savage
The Temptations of Tyranny in Central Asia by David
Lewis. Columbia University Press, New York, 2008. ISBN:
9780231700252. Price: US$ 29.50, 243 pages.
Sreeram Chaulia is a researcher on international
affairs at Syracuse University's Maxwell School of
Citizenship and Public Affairs in New York.
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