Sreeram Sundar Chaulia

Permanent Address: OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat Narela Road, Near Jagdishpur Village, Sonipat, Haryana- 131001, India. Email: [email protected]; Website:



Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, United States of America.

PhD in Political Science. Awarded in May 2009.

Dissertation Title: ‘Civilian Protection and Humanitarian Organisations: Rationality or Culture?’

Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University.

Professional MA in International Relations. Awarded in May 2003. GPA 3.774

Topical Concentration: International Law, Organisations & Human Rights

*Awarded Dotty Payson Memorial Scholarship, 2001-2002

London School of Economics & Political Science, University of London, United Kingdom.

MSc. in History of International Relations. Awarded in December 2001. Merit Division

Topical Concentration: World History and Political Economy

University College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

Second BA in Modern History. Awarded in August 2000. Higher Second Division.

Topical Concentration: Imperial History

*Elected Radhakrishnan British Chevening Scholar 1998

St.Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, India.

BA Honours in History. Awarded in September 1998. First Division, First in University.

Topical Concentration: Economics, Ancient, Medieval and Modern World History.

*Adjudged ‘Outstanding Stephanian’, 1998.

*Awarded Dip Chand Memorial Prize for Topping Delhi University, 1998.

*Awarded Sanwa Bank Scholarship for Academic Excellence, 1997-‘98

*Awarded Bhalla Memorial Prize for outstanding academic performance in St.Stephen’s College, 1997.

LANGUAGES Hindi, Telugu, Oriya & English (Fluent). Sri Lankan Tamil (Intermediate).



  • Dean (April 2012-), Vice Dean (October 2010-March 2012) and Professor (April 2011-), Jindal School of International Affairs (JSIA), O.P.Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India.
  • Opinion columnist on international current affairs for leading Indian newspapers– ‘Dainik Jagran’ (Hindi) and ‘Hindustan Times’ (English). 


  • Associate Professor (September 2009-September 2010) of world politics and Executive Director of Centre for Global Governance and Policy at the O.P.Jindal Global University in Sonipat, India.
  • Project Assessor (June-August 2006) in Mindanao, Southern Philippines, for Nonviolent Peaceforce, an international NGO specialising in civilian peacekeeping. The assessment probed the need for deployment of international civilian peacekeepers in selected war-prone parts of Mindanao. It was based on extensive consultations with local civil society, armed actors and international organisations active in the conflict zone.
  • International Civilian Peacekeeper (September 2003-February 2005) in Batticaloa district of eastern Sri Lanka for Nonviolent Peaceforce. Resided in Valachchenai, a conflict-ridden village, and worked on sensitive issues of civilian protection, human rights and expansion of political space for civil society in a war-devastated setting.


Anchors the weekly ‘Indian Diplomacy’ show on India’s national TV channel DD India. Interviewed in over 700 TV discussion shows on contemporary world politics and news developments by Lok Sabha TV, Rajya Sabha TV, DD News, Sansad TV and Republic TV in India; by Al Jazeera, Russia Today, Vietnam News Agency, China Global Television Network, South Africa Broadcasting Corporation, Voice of America, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Associated Press, Agence-France Presse, ‘The New York Times’, ‘USA Today’ and ‘The Wall Street Journal’ abroad. 


Books and Book Chapters

  1. Friends: India’s Closest Strategic Partners (September 2024), Rupa Publications, New Delhi, India.
  2. Crunch Time: Narendra Modi’s National Security Crises (March 2022), Rupa Publications, New Delhi, India.
  3. “Indian Foreign Policy: The Quest for Greatness”, published in Takashi Inoguchi (ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy (November 2019), London, United Kingdom.
  4. Trumped: Emerging Powers in a Post-American World (November 2019), Bloomsbury & I.B. Tauris, New York, USA; London, UK & New Delhi, India.
  5. Modi Doctrine: The Foreign Policy of India’s Prime Minister (October 2016), Bloomsbury, New York, USA; London, UK & New Delhi, India.
  6. Politics of the Global Economic Crisis: Regulation, Responsibility and Radicalism (September 2013), Routledge, New York, USA; London, UK; & New Delhi, India.
  7. International Organizations and Civilian Protection: Power, Ideas and Humanitarian Aid in Conflict Zones (June 2011), I.B. Tauris, London, UK.
  8. Contributing editor, People Who Influenced the World Over the Past 100 Years (August 2005), Murray Books, Adelaide, Australia.
  9. “Global Studies in Indian Universities: Past Imperfect, Future Circumspect”, published in C. Raj Kumar (ed.)The Future of Indian Universities: Comparative and International Perspectives (July 2017), Oxford University Press, New Delhi, India.
  10. “India’s ‘Power’ Attributes”, published in David Scott (ed.) Handbook of India’s International Relations (May 2011), Routledge, London, UK.
  11. “India and the United Nations”, published in David Scott (ed.) Handbook of India’s International Relations (May 2011), Routledge, London, UK.

B. Journals and Institutions

  1. “In Spite of the Spite: An Indian View of China and India in BRICS”, published in Global Policy (September 2021), Durham, UK.
  2. A review of Michael Davis’ Making Hong Kong China: The Rollback of Human Rights and the Rule of Law, published in International Affairs (March 2021), London, UK.
  3. “Power and Peril in the Asian Century: Prospects for Stability”, published in The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs (January 2017), Medford, USA.
  4. “The Causes of Mass Suffering: Toward a Structural Responsibility Framework”, published in Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations (Spring/Summer 2015), South Orange, USA.
  5. “The Group of Twenty”, a review of Andrew Cooper & Ramesh Thakur’s The Group of Twenty (G20), published in India Quarterly (September 2013), New Delhi, India.
  6. “The Roots of Social Rebellion? Social Movements”, published in Foreign Policy in Focus (July 3, 2013), Washington DC, USA.
  7. “Payback for Colonial Sins”, published in Foreign Policy in Focus (June 11, 2013).
  8. “One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward: The United States Institute of Peace”, published in International Journal of Peace Studies (June 2009),  Fairfax, USA.
  9. “Unequal Equals: Angola and China”, co-authored with Horace Campbell, published in World Affairs (May 2009), New Delhi, India.
  10. “Aetiology of Violence”, a review of Patricia Daley’s Gender and Genocide in Burundi: The Search for Spaces of Peace in the Great Lakes Region, published in South Bulletin (July 16 2008), Geneva, Switzerland.
  11. “Terrorism Remains Pakistan’s Chief Export”, published in Commentaries of International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (April 1 2008), Herzliya, Israel.
  12. “A World of Selfistans?”, published in Foreign Policy in Focus (March 13, 2008).
  13. “Shiites and Democracy”, published in Mideast Monitor (June 2007), New York, USA.
  14. “International Organisations in Mindanao: To Protect or Not?”, published in Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (February 2007), Medford, USA.
  15. “Angola: Empire of the Humanitarians”, published in Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (July 2006), Bradford, UK.
  16. “The Disposable People”, a review of Julie Peteet’s Landscape of Hope and Despair. Palestinian Refugee Camps, published in Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (March 2006).
  17. “Democratisation, Colour Revolutions and the Role of the NGOs: Catalysts or Saboteurs?”, published by Centre for Research on Globalisation (December 25 2005), Pincourt, Canada.
  18. “Politics of Refugee Hosting in Tanzania: From Open Door to Unsustainability, Insecurity and Receding Receptivity”, published in Journal of Refugee Studies, (June 2003), Oxford, UK.
  19. “BJP, India’s Foreign Policy and the ‘Realist’ Alternative to the Nehruvian Legacy”, published in International Politics (June 2002), Boston, USA.
  20. “UNHCR’s Relief, Rehabilitation and Repatriation of Rwandan Refugees in Zaire (1994-’97)”, published in Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (April 2002).
  21. “Beyond Administering Misery”, a review of Arthur C. Helton’s The Price of Indifference. Refugees and Humanitarian Action in the New Century,published in Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (October 2002).
  22. “Struggles of the Invisible Refugees”, a review of M.Vincent & B.R.Sorensen (ed.) Caught Between Borders: Response Strategies of the Internally Displaced, published in Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (September 2002).
  23. “Social Clause in WTO: Cases For and Against”, published in Economic and Political Weekly, Mumbai, India (February 16, 2002).
  24. “Indo-US Military Alliance: Could Our Independence be Bartered Away?”, published in Bulletin of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (December 2001), Delhi, India.
  25. “The Missile Man Remembers”, a review of AP.J.Abdul Kalam’s Wings of Fire. An Autobiography, published in South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies (December 2001), Armidale, Australia.
  26. “Nuclear Theft and Safety. Skeletons in Pakistan’s Cupboard”, published in the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Bulletin (December 2001), Santa Barbara, California.
  27. “Indian and Pakistani Nukespeak: Identity Assertion Against the ‘Other’”, a review of Haider K.Nizamani’s The Roots of Rhetoric: Politics of Nuclear Weapons in India and Pakistan, published in Contemporary South Asia (July 2001), Bradford, UK.
  28. “Dr.Strangelove of Iraq”, a review of S.Bhatia and D.McGrory’s Brighter than the Baghdad Sun: Saddam’s Race to Build the Bomb, published in Infomanage International (September 2000), London, UK.

C. NewspapersMagazines, News Agencies and Websites

  1. “एक्ट ईस्ट को साकार करता भारत”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (अक्टूबर १०, २०२४), कानपुर, भारतI
  2. “It is Too Early to Write Hezbollah’s Obituary”, published in Hindustan Times (September 30, 2024), New Delhi, India.
  3. “मजबूत होती भारत-अमेरिका मैत्री”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (सितम्बर २१, २०२४)I
  4. “Brazil-X Fight, and Limits of Free Speech in Democracies”, published in Hindustan Times (September 11, 2024).
  5. “शांति का संदेशवाहक भारत”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (अगस्त २३, २०२४)I
  6. “Why Israel Versus Iran is a Lose-Lose Situation”, published in Hindustan Times (August 22, 2024).
  7. “Moderating Politics in Age of Extremes”, published in Hindustan Times (July 16, 2024).
  8. “परस्पर हितों वाली मैत्री”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (जुलाई १०, २०२४)I
  9. “How WikiLeaks Shook Up the Western World Order”, published in Hindustan Times (June 27, 2024).
  10. “Election Setback Will not Sway Modi from Agenda of Change”, published in Nikkei Asia (June 5 2024), Tokyo, Japan.
  11. “Chabahar is a Metaphor for Strategic Autonomy”, published in Hindustan Times (May 30, 2024).
  12. “भारतीय लोकतंत्र को लांछित करने का अभियान”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (मई १, २०२४)I
  13. “Why Modi Towers Over Opponents in India’s Elections”, published in Newsweek (April 17, 2024), New York, USA.
  14. “Quad Needs a Security Thrust to Restrict China”, published in Hindustan Times (April 5, 2024).
  15. “आम आदमी के सरोकार साधती विदेश निति”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (मार्च २१, २०२४)I
  16. “Navalny’s Death, a Crisis Moment for Democracy”, published in Hindustan Times (March 1, 2024).
  17. “भारत-अमीरात की बेमिसाल जोड़ी”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (फरवरी १५, २०२४)I
  18. “US Preoccupation with Iran is to China’s Benefit”, published in Hindustan Times (February 9, 2024).
  19. “फ्रांस जैसा दोस्त न दूजा”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (जनवरी २७, २०२४)I
  20. “Mapping India’s Rise as a Civilisational State”, published in Hindustan Times (January 11, 2024).
  21. “भारत क्यों मायने रखता है”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (जनवरी ९, २०२४)I
  22. “Israel Requires a Fresh Approach with Palestine”, published in Hindustan Times (October 9, 2023).
  23. “दुनिया के लिए खतरा बनता चीन”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (सितम्बर २९, २०२३)I
  24. “IMEC Promises New Model of Globalisation”, published in Hindustan Times (September 18, 2023).
  25. “वैश्विक परिवर्तन का सूत्रधार बनता भारत”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (सितम्बर ८, २०२३)I
  26. “Facing China at BRICS, India Stands its Ground”, published in Hindustan Times (August 25 2023).
  27. “Exercise Caution on Plans to Expand BRICS”, published in Hindustan Times (August 3 2023).
  28. “NATO Expansionism Could Seed Instability”, published in Hindustan Times (July 16 2023).
  29. “Wagner’s Attempted Coup Flags Risks for Russia’s Strongman”, published in Hindustan Times (June 26 2023).
  30. “India-US Defence Ties Can be a Game-Changer”, published in Hindustan Times (June 8 2023).
  31. “मोदी ने बदली भारत की वैश्विक छवि”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (मई ३१ २०२३)I 
  32. “G7 and Quad are Finally Taking China Head On”, published in Hindustan Times (May 24 2023).
  33. “Pak’s Terror Factory is Exposing SCO’s Limits”, published in Hindustan Times (May 7 2023).
  34. India’s Re-Emergence as a Leader of Global Buddhism”, published in Hindustan Times (April 21 2023).
  35. “India-Russia Ties are Facing a Long-Term Conundrum”, published in Hindustan Times (April 7 2023).
  36. “चुनौती बनते विदेश में पलते खालिस्तानी”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (मार्च २४ २०२३)I
  37. “The Glaring Paradox of Xi Jinping as Peace Mediator”, published in Hindustan Times (March 17 2023).
  38. “How India can Expand Hindi’s Global Footprint”, published in Hindustan Times (February 27 2023).
  39. “दुनिया के लिए संकटमोचक बनता भारत”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (फरवरी १५, २०२३)I
  40. “Controlling Gun Crimes Needs Social Reset in US”, published in Hindustan Times (February 4 2023).
  41. “वैश्विक शक्ति केंद्र के रूप में उभरता भारत”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (जनवरी १७, २०२३)I
  42. “Getting to Peace in Ukraine Needs Wisdom”, published in Hindustan Times (January 9 2023).
  43. “Navigating a World of All-Round Weaponisation”, published in Hindustan Times (December 26 2022).
  44. “After Tawang, Prepare for More Chinese Aggression”, published in Hindustan Times (December 15 2022).
  45. “विश्व को दिशा देने का अवसर”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (दिसंबर ८, २०२२)I
  46. “Three Top Priorities for India as G20 President”, published in Hindustan Times (November 24 2022).
  47. “As Brazil Turns Left, Will the New Era of Socialism Last?”, published in Hindustan Times (November 2 2022).
  48. “Xi’s Quest to Solidify his Power Poses Grave Risks to the World”, published in Hindustan Times (October 21 2022).
  49. “Ukraine: Putin is in an Unwinnable Quagmire”, published in Hindustan Times (September 24 2022).
  50. “Mikhail Gorbachev: Traitor, Misfit or Soviet Visionary?”, published in Mint (September 1 2022), New Delhi, India. 
  51. “ध्वस्त हुए तालिबान में सुधार के दावे”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (अगस्त १७ २०२२)I
  52. “Why US-China Tensions May Lead to Strategic Instability”, published in Hindustan Times (August 4 2022).
  53. “Rishi Sunak’s Rise Signifies the Arrival of the Indian Diaspora”, published in Nikkei Asia (July 31 2022).
  54. “नई सुबह की प्रतीक्षा में श्रीलंका ”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (जुलाई १२ २०२२)I
  55. “Asia’s Radical Conservative”, published in The Economic Times (July 9 2022), New Delhi, India.
  56. “BRICS Shows its Usefulness, Despite Clear Limitations”, published in Nikkei Asia (June 23 2022).
  57. “Counterpunch Diplomacy”, published in The Week (June 19 2022), Kochi, India.
  58. “दोहरे चरित्र वाला इस्लामी सहयोग संगठन”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (जून ८ २०२२)I
  59. “सामरिक सक्रियता बढ़ाए क्वाड”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (मई २५ २०२२)I
  60. “The China-Pakistan Alliance May Lead to More Violence, Terror”, published in Hindustan Times (May 5 2022).
  61. “संकटग्रस्त पड़ोसी देशों का सहारा बना भारत”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (अप्रैल १६ २०२२ )I
  62. “From Russia, With Love?”, published in The Economic Times (March 16 2022). 
  63. “जंगलराज वाले दौर में दुनिया”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (मार्च १ २०२२)I   
  64. “New Delhi’s Stance on Europe’s Crisis is Just About Right”, published in Mint (February 24 2022). 
  65. “क्यों कायम है मोदी की लोकप्रियता”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (२८ जनवरी २०२२)I   
  66. “The Last Chance Before the Explosion”, published in Russia Today (January 22 2022), Moscow, Russia. 
  67. “Countering China’s Infowar”, published in Hindustan Times (January 10 2022).
  68. “नए साल को सार्थक बनाने की चुनौती”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (दिसंबर ३१, २०२१)I  
  69. “What the World Must Learn from its Mistakes this Year”, published in Mint (December 28 2021). 
  70. “This War for Independence Redrew South Asia Map, Reverberations Still Felt 50 Years On”, published in Russia Today (December 16 2021).
  71. “Why India Sees Russia as a Unique Partner”, published in Russia Today (December 7 2021).
  72. “विश्व पर मंडराता चीनी खतरा”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (नवंबर २७ २०२१)I 
  73. “What did the Delhi Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan Accomplish?”, published in The Diplomat (November 12 2021), Tokyo, Japan.
  74. “Modi Articulated the Global South’s Position at CoP-26”, published in Mint (November 3 2021). 
  75. “पड़ोस में खौफनाक जिहादी लहर”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (अक्टूबर २१ २०२१)I 
  76. “20 Years on, Why the Modi Juggernaut Keeps Rolling in India”, published in Newsweek (October 6 2021). 
  77. “चीन को चुनौती देने की तैयारी”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (सितम्बर २८ २०२१)I  
  78. “अंतर्विरोध दूर करने की चुनौती”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (सितम्बर २० २०२१)I
  79. “Malabar 2021 and Beyond: India’s Naval Pushback Against China”, published in The Diplomat (September 9 2021). 
  80. “Afghanistan’s Boiling Alphabet Soup of Terrorist Groups”, published in The Times of India (August 28 2021), New Delhi, India. 
  81. “अमृत काल की विदेश नीति”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (अगस्त १७ २०२१)I
  82. “Will the Taliban Seize or Squander its Moment?”, published in Russia Today (August 16 2021). 
  83. “To Take on China, Rely on Diplomacy, Military, and Counter-Measures”, published in Hindustan Times (August 10 2021).
  84. “साझा चिंता और तात्कालिक चुनौती”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (जुलाई २८ २०२१), कानपुर, भारतI
  85. “How a Four-Minister MEA Could Amplify India’s Diplomatic Power”, published in Mint (July 21 2021).
  86. “भारत विरोध पर आमादा पश्चिमी मीडिया”, दैनिक जागरण मे प्रकाशित (जुलाई ६ २०२१)I
  87. “A Hundred Years Later, the Chinese Communist Party is at the Crossroads”, published in Hindustan Times (July 1 2021).
  88. “Will Iran’s New President Fuel Conflict or Make Deals?”, published in Russia Today (June 21 2021).
  89. “Decoding the Washington-Moscow-Beijing Triangle”, published in Hindustan Times (June 21 2021).
  90. “Biden’s Manichean Vision”, published in The Hindu (June 14 2021), Chennai, India.
  91. “The Case for Social Media to be Closely Regulated is Clear”, published in Mint (June 11 2021).
  92. “Truth about COVID is Matter of Survival for China’s Communist Rule”, published in The Week (June 13 2021).
  93. “Whose Israel and Whose Palestine?”, published in Russia Today (May 20 2021).
  94. “Why he World is Standing With Us in Our Hour of Need”, published in Mint (May 11 2021).
  95. The Limits of American Liberalism”, published in The Times of India (April 27 2021).
  96. The Mission in Afghanistan is Far from Accomplished”, published in Mint (April 22 2021).
  97. “India-Russia Friendship is Too Pragmatic for US and China to Ruin It”, published in Russia Today (April 11 2021).
  98. France and Sailing Toward the ‘Quad-Plus’”, published in The New Indian Express (April 6 2021), Chennai, India.
  99. “Taming the Dragon”, published in The Economic Times (March 21 2021).
  100. “Vaccine Diplomacy is India’s Finest Hour”, published in The Asian Age (January 29 2021), New Delhi, India.
  101. “After the Trumpian Deluge, What?”, published in The Economic Times (January 9 2021).
  102. “New Year, New Vision”, published in The Times of India (January 1 2021).
  103. “Indian-Made COVID Vaccines Will Save the World”, published in Nikkei Asia (December 14 2020).
  104. “Winners Who Disappoint”, published in The Hindu (December 2 2020).
  105. “Beyond the RCEP: India Matters in Indo-Pacific”, published in The Asian Age (November 24 2020).
  106. “The ‘Quad’ is India’s Destiny”, published in The Nationalist (November 2020), New Delhi, India.
  107. “The Disunited States of America”, published in The New Indian Express (November 11 2020).
  108. “For China, US Election is a Lose-Lose Affair”, published in Nikkei Asia (November 3 2020).
  109. “If Biden Wins”, published in The Economic Times (November 1 2020).
  110. “At 75, the UN Needs a Rebirth”, published in The Hindu (October 23 2020).
  111. “Attitudes Toward China Harden Worldwide”, published in The Epoch Times (October 22 2020), New York, USA
  112. “Towards an Indian Realism”, a review of S.Jaishankar’s The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World, published in The Asian Age (October 18 2020).
  113. “Great Power, Little Responsibility”, published in The Hindu (September 21 2020), Chennai, India.
  114. “America’s Choice, India’s Options”, published in The Times of India (September 8 2020), New Delhi, India.
  115. “Trump Card”, published in The Economic Times (August 30 2020), New Delhi, India.
  116. “A Self-Reliant Foreign Policy”, published in The Hindu (August 13 2020).
  117. “Crafting a Brave New Foreign Policy”, published in The Times of India (July 28 2020).
  118. “The Club of Virus Deniers”, published in The Hindu (July 14 2020).
  119. “Who Really Funded the Taliban to Kill Americans?”, published in Russia Today (July 3 2020), Moscow, Russia.
  120. “Stay in India, Study in India”, co-authored with C. Raj Kumar, published in The Times of India (June 22 2020).
  121. “Beijing’s Violent Rise Must be Checked”, published in The New Indian Express (June 20 2020), Chennai, India.
  122. “The E-Diplomacy Experiment”, published in The Hindu (June 9 2020).
  123. “Winning Compensation from China for Coronavirus is a Long Shot”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (May 22 2020), Tokyo, Japan.
  124. “Is India’s Corona Response Model Actually Working?”, published in The Asian Age (April 30 2020), New Delhi, India.
  125. “Print Warriors on the Corona Frontlines”, published in The Times of India (April 2 2020).
  126. “Why East beats West in the War against Coronavirus”, published in Russia Today (March 27 2020).
  127. “Temples of Critical Thinking and Debate”, published in The Hindu (March 14 2020).
  128. “Can Globalisation Survive the Corona Shock?”, published in The Asian Age (March 12 2020).
  129. “Trump is Baahubali?”, published in The Times of India (February 25 2020).
  130. “Trump’s India Visit will Disappoint Modi’s Expectations”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (February 21 2020).
  131. “Coronavirus is China’s Huge Political Failure”, published in The Asian Age (February 5, 2020).
  132. “The Final Frontier”, published in The Times of India (January 25, 2020).
  133. “The Centrality of Vietnam for Stability in Asia”, published in Vietnam News (January 13, 2020), Hanoi, Vietnam.
  134. “Balancing the Strategic Gains Made with US”, published in Mint (December 12, 2019), New Delhi, India.
  135. “Trump’s ‘America First’ Opportunity for India”, published in The Asian Age (December 11, 2019).
  136. “”Trumping” the World”, published in The Globalist (November 17, 2019), Washington, D.C., USA.
  137. “Why India Walked Away from Asia’s Mega Free Trade Deal”, published in Channel NewsAsia (November 7, 2019), Singapore.
  138. “Terror after Baghdadi”, published in The Times of India (October 29, 2019).
  139. “Tough Stance”, published in The Economic Times (October 27, 2019).
  140. “India: The Western Media’s Infowar Target”, published in Russia Today (October 24, 2019).
  141. “China & India Aren’t Best Friends— But…”, published in Russia Today (October 12, 2019).
  142. “The Trump Modi Tango”, published in The Times of India (September 24, 2019).
  143. “India-Russia Eternal Friendship Takes a Pacific Turn”, published in Russia Today (September 5 2019).
  144. “Pakistan Will Regret Stirring Sikh Nationalism in India”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (September 3 2019)
  145. “Super Power”, published in The Economic Times (August 18 2019).
  146. “Operation Kashmir: Has Modi Checkmated Pakistan?”, published in Russia Today (August 6 2019).
  147. “Global Collaboration Will Improve India’s Mitigation Initiatives”, published in Mint (July 24 2019).
  148. “Cricket World Cup Highlights South Asia’s Fault Lines”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (July 12 2019).
  149. “Discordant Notes”, published in The Economic Times (June 30 2019).
  150. “Modi Doctrine 2.0: Get Set, Go”, published in The Asian Age (June 6 2019).
  151. “The Stunning Invincibility of Narendra Modi in India’s Elections”, published in Channel NewsAsia (May 24 2019).
  152. “Foreign Policy Gives Modi the Edge in India’s Elections”, published in Russia Today (May 16 2019).
  153. “A Wrong Kind of Resurrection”, published in The Economic Times (April 22 2019).
  154. “How Modi Shifted the India-Pakistan Paradigm”, published in Russia Today (March 2 2019).
  155. “India Versus Pakistan in the Court of Global Opinion”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (March 2 2019).
  156. “Battle on Many Fronts”, published in The Economic Times (February 17 2019).
  157. “Here Comes AfPak 2.0”, published in The Economic Times (January 30 2019).
  158. “Modi’s All Hands on Deck Approach is a Novelty”, published in Power Corridors (January 2019), New Delhi, India.
  159. “Victory Strengthens Hasina’s Foreign Policy Hand”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (January 8 2019).
  160. “Hope, Anxiety Loom in 2019, as World on Edge”, published in The Asian Age (January 1 2019).
  161. “Withdrawal Symptoms”, published in The Economic Times (December 23 2018).
  162. “Huawei Case is a Clash of Economic Ideologies”, published in The Asian Age (December 12 2018).
  163. “The G20 Needs Reinvention”, published in The Times of India (November 29 2018).
  164. “A Brave New US Congress or Same Old Hypocrisy?”, published in Russia Today (November 20 2018).
  165. “Sri Lanka Crisis: A Failure of Institution-Building and Nation-Building”, published in BloombergQuint (November 1 2018), Mumbai, India.
  166. “An Asian Nexus”, published in The Economic Times (October 28 2018).
  167. “Jamal Khashoggi’s Tragic End is a Wake-Up Call”, published in CBC News (October 23 2018), Toronto, Canada.
  168. “Can Trump Halt China’s Rise to the Top?”, published in Power Corridors (October 2018).
  169. “Trump’s Willingness to Antagonize the World Triggers China-India Rapprochement”, published in Russia Today (October 12 2018).
  170. “Modi Defies Trump to Edge Closer to Putin”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (October 9 2018).
  171. “Hope and Peril in the Maldives”, published in The Times of India (September 25 2018).
  172. “Dialogue with the Deaf”, published in The Economic Times (September 23 2018).
  173. “Can Democracy Still Deliver in a Restless World?”, published in The Asian Age (September 18 2018).
  174. “Two-Plus-Two Doesn’t Make Four for India & the US”, published in Russia Today (September 5 2018).
  175. “India Right to Spurn Foreign Disaster Relief”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (August 29 2018).
  176. “Saudi Arabia is Using Canada to Test a Wobbling International Order”, published in CBC News (August 13 2018).
  177. “India Alarmed by Imran Khan Victory in Pakistan”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (July 27 2018).
  178. “Is India’s Foreign Policy Adrift? No”, published in The Hindu (July 6 2018).
  179. “A Turkish Sultan’s Formula”, published in The Times of India (June 26 2018).
  180. “India is the Latest Front in Trump’s Endless Trade War”, published in Foreign Policy (June 21 2018), Washington, D.C., USA.
  181. “Two Nuclear Powers: A Story”, published in The Economic Times (June 13 2018).
  182. “Battered Italy, Bruised Europe”, published in Russia Today (June 1 2018).
  183. “India’s Favorite Modi Cannot Rule Out Election Upsets”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (May 22 2018).
  184. “Israel, at 70, Remains a Restless Warrior”, published in The Asian Age (May 15 2018).
  185. “Trump is Driving Xi into Modi’s Arms”, published in Foreign Policy (April 27 2018)
  186. “Cooking with Wuhan Sauce”, published in The Economic Times (April 25 2018).
  187. “Striking Syria: The True Face of Humanitarian Imperialism”, published in Russia Today (April 14 2018).
  188. “New Delhi’s Delicate Dance Over Tibet”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (April 9 2018).
  189. “The ex-KGB Spymaster Who’s Tamed the West”, published in The Asian Age (March 20 2018).
  190. “India Belatedly Boosts Naval Competition with China”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (March 12 2018).
  191. “Decoding India’s China Threat”, a review of Bertil Lintner’s China’s India War, published in The Asian Age (February 25 2018).
  192. “Paradise Burning: Turbulent Road Ahead for the Maldives”, published in BloombergQuint (February 12 2018).
  193. “Koreas’ Olympic Thaw”, published in The Asian Age (February 6 2018).
  194. “Acting East on R-Day”, published in The Times of India (January 25 2018).
  195. “Hardselling India, Changing Davos”, published in The Economic Times (January 20 2018).
  196. “Cementing the Israel-India Bond”, published in The Jerusalem Post (January 16 2018), Jerusalem, Israel
  197. “Trump Serves Pakistan Notice, Enter China?”, published in BloombergQuint (January 8 2018).
  198. “New Global Order Takes Shape, Instability Looms”, published in The Asian Age (January 8 2018).
  199. “More Risk-Taking by Modi and Long-Term Reforms on the Cards in 2018”, published in Today (December 27 2017), Singapore.
  200. “The Importance of Being Iran”, published in The Asian Age (December 12 2017).
  201. “India Reaches Out to Asia’s Heartlands”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (December 5 2017).
  202. “It’s Payback Time for the Empire”, published in The New Indian Express (November 23 2017).
  203. “Quad Will Help Secure Indo-Pacific Region”, published in The Asian Age (November 14 2017).
  204. “A Jihadist Halloween in New York”, published in The Times of India (November 2 2017).
  205. “Comrade Dictator”, published in The Economic Times (October 22 2017).
  206. “Nobel Award Highlights Asia’s Nuclear Challenge”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (October 10 2017).
  207. “American Tragedy”, published in The Times of India (October 5 2017).
  208. “For Saudi Women, a Long Way Still to Go…”, published in The Asian Age (October 3 2017).
  209. “Queen of Centre”, published in The Economic Times (September 24 2017).
  210. “The International Isolation of Donald Trump”, published in Russia Today (September 17 2017).
  211. “A Variety of BRICS”, published in The Economic Times (September 3 2017).
  212. “Winning in Afghanistan: Trump’s Pipe Dream”, published in Russia Today (August 26 2017).
  213. “Spanish Lessons”, published in The Asian Age (August 22 2017).
  214. “India at Seventy”, published in The Times of India (August 15 2017).
  215. “#IndiaAt70: Our Best Lies Ahead”, published in Republic TV (August 15 2017), Mumbai, India.
  216. “India and Japan Combine Forces to Counter China”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (August 8 2017).
  217. “After Nawaz”, published in The Economic Times (July 30 2017).
  218. “China-US Ties: A Roller-Coaster Ride”, published in The Asian Age (July 25 2017).
  219. “Victim of Power”, published in The Economic Times (July 16 2017), New Delhi, India.
  220. “With PM Modi’s Israel Visit, India Crosses the Rubicon”, published in The Economic Times (July 6 2017).
  221. “Why Modi Matters to Israel”, published in The Jerusalem Post (July 4 2017).
  222. “Modi-Trump Meet Incites the Dragon”, published in The Asian Age (July 1 2017).
  223. “Fifth-Time Tricky”, published in The Economic Times (June 25 2017).
  224. “Panama’s Wake-Up Call for Taiwan”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (June 15 2017).
  225. “Guts and Glory: The Modi Doctrine at Three”, published in Republic TV (June 5 2017).
  226. “Trump’s Climate of Injustice”, published in The Economic Times (June 4 2017).
  227. “The ISIS Mindset, and How it Must be Fought”, published in The Asian Age (May 30 2017).
  228. “Cyberattacks Send a Wake-Up Call to Asia”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (May 23 2017).
  229. “South Asian Satellite: A Giant Lift-Off for Regional Integration”, published in Today (May 17 2017).
  230. “US’ Duplicity Intact…”, published in The Asian Age (May 2 2017).
  231. “Battle for France’s Soul”, published in The Economic Times (April 23 2017).
  232. “Turkey Haunted by Ghosts of the Past”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (April 18 2017).
  233. “Russia, ISIS and Don’s Syria U-Turn”, published in The New Indian Express (April 10 2017).
  234. “Why India is so Unhappy, and how it can Change”, published in Today (April 4 2017).
  235. “The Road to Impunity”, published in The Asian Age (April 4 2017).
  236. “How Asia can Reckon with Trump’s Assault on Trade”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (March 22 2017).
  237. “Missiles Fuel Asian Insecurity”, published in The Straits Times (March 14 2017), Singapore.
  238. “Amid the Hype, the Truth about Trump and Putin”, published in The Asian Age (March 7 2017).
  239. “Asians Face New Reality in Intolerant America”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (March 1 2017).
  240. “India Aims for Global Soft Power via Republic TV”, published in Today (February 23 2017).
  241. “Islamist Challenge Mounts in Indonesia and Bangladesh”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (February 13 2017).
  242. “Will ‘New’ Nationalism Reverse Globalisation?”, published in The Asian Age (February 7 2017).
  243. “Trump’s Foreign Policy Built on Personal Bigotry”, published in Today (February 1 2017).
  244. “A New Asia Emerges”, published in The National (January 26 2017), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  245. “Stars Align for Ambitious Asian Leaders”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (January 18 2017).
  246. “Tap the Resources of our Diaspora”, published in The Asian Age (January 10 2017).
  247. “Breaking the Vicious Circle of Terror and Violence”, published in The Straits Times (December 23 2016).
  248. “How to Lead the UN”, published in The Asian Age (December 17 2016).
  249. “China Gains Momentum in Asia and Russia in Europe”, published in The Times of India (December 13 2016).
  250. “Trump’s Controversial Call with Taipei”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (December 4 2016).
  251. “Nikki at UN: A Good Chance for Inclusivity”, published in The Asian Age (November 29 2016).
  252. “South Asia Confronts Trump the Unpredictable”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (November 11 2016).
  253. “Scary Harvest after the Trump Tsunami”, published in The Asian Age (November 10 2016).
  254. “Duterte Shock Threatens US Asia Influence”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (October 27 2016).
  255. “How not to get Trumped”, published in The Asian Age (October 18 2016).
  256. “BRICS of Hope”, published in The Economic Times (October 16 2016).
  257. “SAARC Debacle Highlights Emerging New Order in South Asia”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (October 4 2016).
  258. “When will Trump and Hillary use the K-Word?”, published in Foreign Policy (September 23 2016).
  259. “In Syria, a Putin-Obama Tango”, published in The Asian Age (September 20 2016).
  260. “Summit of Woes”, published in The Economic Times (September 4 2016).
  261. “Modi Powers a New India-US Partnership”, published in Nikkei Asian Review (September 1 2016).
  262. “As Turkey Changes Geopolitical Course, will Syria Begin to Heal?”, published in Russia Today (August 22 2016).
  263. “The Dragon’s Exactions”, published in The Asian Age (August 17 2016).
  264. “Tough Love”, published in The Times of India (August 16 2016).
  265. “Russians and DNC emails: The Joke’s on America”, published in The Asian Age (July 28 2016).
  266. “Dealing with the Terror Epidemic”, published in The Straits Times (July 26 2016).
  267. “A Bastille Day of Mourning”, published in The Times of India (July 16 2016).
  268. “Tribunal Jolt to Beijing a Shot in Arm for the Weak”, published in The Asian Age (July 14 2016).
  269. “A New Tryst with Africa”, published in The Hindu (July 6 2016).
  270. “A Shock for Liberals”, published in The Asian Age (June 28 2016).
  271. “Brexit is a Slap in the Face of Liberals”, published in The Economic Times (June 26 2016).
  272. “The Lessons of Orlando”, published in The Straits Times (June 15 2016).
  273. “Our Racist Sins”, published in The Asian Age (May 30 2016).
  274. “Cultural Diplomacy”, published in The Asian Age (May 17 2016).
  275. “Transnational Links, Political Vacuum Fuel Bangladeshis’ Turn to Terrorism”, published in The Straits Times (May 6 2016).
  276. “Fallen Comrades”, published in The Asian Age (April 21 2016).
  277. “Extremism: Blight on Bangladesh”, published in The Straits Times (April 12 2016).
  278. “Join Hands against Terror”, published in The Economic Times (April 3 2016).
  279. “Hour of Reckoning”, published in The Times of India (March 24 2016).
  280. “Cuban Revolution”, published in The Asian Age (March 22 2016).
  281. “A Reset for India and Nepal”, published in The Kathmandu Post (February 19 2016), Kathmandu, Nepal.
  282. “Primary Divisions”, published in The Economic Times (February 7 2016).
  283. “A Tale of Two Republics”, published in The Times of India (January 26 2016).
  284. “Republic of Inspiration”, published in The Asian Age (January 26 2016).
  285. “Momentum Against Terror”, published in The Economic Times (January 17 2016).
  286. “El Chapo Proves Mexico is Failing”, published in Al Jazeera (January 11 2016), Doha, Qatar.
  287. “Long Road to Peace”, published in The Economic Times (January 3 2016).
  288. “The World in 2016”, published in The Asian Age (December 29 2015).
  289. “India’s Modi Comes to Russia- With Love”, published in Russia Today (December 23 2015).
  290. “Kyoto to Kashi”, published in The Asian Age (December 15 2015).
  291. “The Statesman’s Gambit”, published in The Economic Times (December 13 2015).
  292. “Green Signal”, published in The Economic Times (December 6 2015).
  293. “Walk the Climate Talk”, published in The Asian Age (December 1 2015).
  294. “PM Modi’s Second Time in the Land of Lee Kuan Yew”, published in The Economic Times (November 23 2015).
  295. “Enabling Myanmar”, published in The Asian Age (November 17 2015).
  296. “Bonding Over Bonds”, published in The Economic Times (November 15 2015).
  297. “Bully Runs the School”, published in The Asian Age (November 3 2015).
  298. “Lions on the Prowl”, published in The Economic Times (October 25 2015).
  299. “Veneer of Democracy”, published in The Asian Age (October 20 2015).
  300. “Creative Trilateralism in Asia”, published in The Straits Times (October 19 2015).
  301. “Streetcar Named Greed”, published in The Asian Age (October 6 2015).
  302. “A New Indian Century?”, published in The Times of India (September 29 2015), New Delhi, India.
  303. “Realising ‘Inderica'”, published in The Economic Times (September 27 2015).
  304. “New Japan, New Asia”, published in The Straits Times (September 21 2015).
  305. “Revamp the UN to Make it Relevant”, published in Hindustan Times (September 17 2015), New Delhi, India.
  306. “Snapshot of Our Times”, published in The Asian Age (September 13 2015).
  307. “Adjusting to the ‘New Normal'”, published in The Economic Times (September 4 2015).
  308. “Soft Power Outage”, published in The Asian Age (August 28 2015).
  309. “For India, Small is Big”, published in The Straits Times (August 21 2015).
  310. “Bridging the Gulf”, published in The Economic Times (August 16 2015).
  311. “Fissures in Taliban Good for Kabul”, published in The Asian Age (August 13 2015).
  312. “The Smoking Gun”, published in The Economic Times (August 9 2015).
  313. “Facing Down Terror”, published in The Economic Times (August 2 2015).
  314. “The Chinese Islands”, published in The Asian Age (July 28 2015).
  315. “A Global Bank of Our Own”, published in The Times of India (July 23 2015).
  316. “Side Effects of Diplomacy”, published in The Economic Times (July 19 2015).
  317. “Iran, US Show Heroic Flexibility”, published in The Asian Age (July 16 2015).
  318. “Count Me in, Too”, published in The Economic Times (July 12 2015).
  319. “Rebuilding Brics”, published in The Straits Times (July 9 2015).
  320. “ISIS Caliphate’s First Birthday”, published in The Times of India (June 30 2015).
  321. “True Secularism, Indonesian Style”, published in The Asian Age (June 30 2015).
  322. “Queer Revolution”, published in The Asian Age (June 19 2015).
  323. “How Hot is Our Hot Pursuit?”, published in The Economic Times (June 11 2015).
  324. “EU: Anxiety over Grexit”, published in The Asian Age (June 9 2015).
  325. “Winds of Change in the East”, published in The Economic Times (June 7 2015).
  326. “India must be Game-Changer in Maritime Row”, published in The Straits Times (June 2 2015).
  327. “Saarc and Asean have a Rescue Mission”, published in Hindustan Times (May 28 2015).
  328. “An Egyptian Habit”, published in The Asian Age (May 19 2015).
  329. “Dancing with the Lion”, published in The Economic Times (May 17 2015).
  330. “Jet Set, Go”, published in The Economic Times (May 10 2015).
  331. “Dysfunctional by Design, Shaken by Corruption”, published in The Economic Times (May 5 2015).
  332. “What White Can’t Wash”, published in The Asian Age (April 21 2015).
  333. “Westward Ho!”, published in The Economic Times (April 12 2015).
  334. “#FreeBeijing20Five”, published in The Asian Age (April 11 2015).
  335. “Al Shabaab on a Revengeful Warpath”, published in The Times of India (April 7 2015).
  336. “Making History, Inch by Inch”, published in The Economic Times (April 4 2015).
  337. “Bordering on Hope”, published in The Economic Times (March 29 2015).
  338. “Banking on China”, published in The Asian Age (March 24 2015).
  339. “Sailing in our Ocean”, published in The Economic Times (March 15 2015).
  340. “Happy News from Afghanistan”, published in The Asian Age (March 10 2015).
  341. “Je Suis Avijit Roy”, published in The Economic Times (March 2 2015).
  342. “Myanmar Needs India”, published in The Asian Age (February 24 2015).
  343. “A New Colombo Plan”, published in The Economic Times (February 15 2015).
  344. “Blood in the Oil”, published in The Asian Age (February 10 2015).
  345. “Modi Shakes up India’s Bureaucrats”, published in Today (February 5 2015).
  346. “Barack and I”, published in The Asian Age (January 28 2015).
  347. “Will they Dance to the Same Tune?”, published in The Economic Times (January 25 2015).
  348. “A Promise of Change”, published in The Asian Age (January 13 2015).
  349. “The Onus of Risk Analysis is on Editors”, published in The Hindustan Times (January 9 2015).
  350. “Global Jitters as Oil Roils”, published in The Economic Times (January 4 2015).
  351. “India & the World”, published in The Asian Age (December 30 2014).
  352. “Hour of Reckoning”, published in The Economic Times (December 21 2014).
  353. “Book the Americans”, published in The Asian Age (December 16 2014).
  354. “Old Bedfellows, but Commercially Disjointed”, published in Today (December 15 2014).
  355. “Bread and Freedom”, published in The Asian Age (December 2 2014).
  356. “Modi Holds the Answer to Boosting Dismal Trade in South Asia”, published in Today (November 27 2014).
  357. “Stirrings of Hope”, published in The Asian Age (November 18 2014).
  358. “The Growth Gauntlet”, published in The Economic Times (November 16 2014).
  359. “Out of APEC, India Eyes Indo-Pacific Influence”, published in Today (November 13 2014).
  360. “The Shackled President”, published in The Economic Times (November 9 2014).
  361. “Bring Back Our Heroes”, published in The Asian Age (November 4 2014).
  362. “The Terror at Home”, published in The Economic Times (October 26 2014).
  363. “The Young are Claiming the Earth”, published in The Asian Age (October 21 2014).
  364. “Back to Base Instincts”, published in The Economic Times (October 12 2014).
  365. “Viral Politics”, published in The Asian Age (October 7 2014).
  366. “Buy, Buy American Pie”, published in The Economic Times (September 28 2014).
  367. “Star on the Yangtze”, published in The Asian Age (September 23 2014).
  368. “Chinese Checkers”, published in The Economic Times (September 21 2014).
  369. “America’s Allied Enemies”, published in The Times of India (September 12 2014).
  370. “The Omissions and Commissions of War”, published in The Asian Age (September 9 2014).
  371. “Brothers in Arms”, published in The Economic Times (August 31 2014).
  372. “Ice-Bucket Therapy”, published in The Asian Age (August 26 2014).
  373. “Iraq Shows Up Hypocrisy of Big Powers”, published in Today (August 21 2014).
  374. “Indo-US Reunion”, published in The Asian Age (August 12 2014).
  375. “Jihad Goes Global”, published in The Economic Times (August 10 2014).
  376. “Deadlock at the WTO”, published in Today (August 4 2014).
  377. “Children of Conflict”, published in The Asian Age (July 29 2014).
  378. “China Keeps Cautious Eye on Neighbours’ Naval Exercise”, published in Today (July 25 2014).
  379. “Terror in the Sky”, published in The Economic Times (July 20 2014).
  380. “Brave New BRICS a Challenge to International System”, published in Russia Today (July 15 2014).
  381. “Island of Fear”, published in The Asian Age (July 15 2014).
  382. “Diplomatic Somersaults in Northeast Asia”, published in Today (July 9 2014).
  383. “Spiritual Diplomacy”, published in The Asian Age (July 1 2014).
  384. “Caught in the Crossfire”, published in The Economic Times (June 29 2014).
  385. “Is Barack Obama a Wimp? Conservatives Ask”, published in Russia Today (June 25 2014).
  386. “US-Iran to the Rescue?”, published in The Asian Age (June 17 2014).
  387. “Dealing with the Taliban”, published in Today (June 16 2014).
  388. “Pakistan Shoots its Messenger”, published in Russia Today (June 10 2014).
  389. “Don’t Cry for Uncle Sam”, published in The Asian Age (June 3 2014).
  390. “Modi-fying India”, published in Today (June 2 2014).
  391. “No One’s Clone”, published in The Economic Times (May 25 2014).
  392. “Overhaul for the Long Haul”, published in The Asian Age (May 20 2014).
  393. “Can ASEAN Unite for Security?”, published in Today (May 15 2014).
  394. “South China Sea Clash: Asia’s Dangerous Game”, published in The Diplomat (May 10 2014).
  395. “Under the Dragon’s Heel”, published in The Asian Age (May 6 2014).
  396. “Modi Doctrine: Elixir of Indian Foreign Policy”, published in Russia Today (April 29 2014).
  397. “The Magic of Márquez”, published in The Asian Age (April 22 2014).
  398. “Packaged Deal”, published in The Economic Times (April 13 2014).
  399. “A Vote for Afghanistan”, published in The Asian Age (April 8 2014).
  400. “I Tweet, Therefore I Am”, published in The Asian Age (March 25 2014).
  401. “Checkmating the West”, published in The Times of India (March 19 2014).
  402. “A Tale of Two Elections”, published in The Economic Times (March 16 2014).
  403. “Chinese Cheat Code”, published in The Asian Age (March 11 2014).
  404. “East-West Fault Lines”, published in The Asian Age (February 25 2014).
  405. “Friends, Enemies and Frenemies”, published in The Economic Times (February 16 2014).
  406. “2014, Learn from 1914”, published in The Asian Age (February 11 2014).
  407. “Putin’s Pride, West’s Spite”, published in The Statesman (February 9 2014), Kolkata, India.
  408. “Nuclear Entente”, published in The Asian Age (January 28 2014).
  409. “Silencing the Reformer”, published in The Economic Times (January 26 2014).
  410. “South Korea Calling India”, published in The Diplomat (January 18 2014).
  411. “US’ Deadly Delusions”, published in The Asian Age (January 14 2014).
  412. “Democracy at Risk in Bangladesh”, published in The New Indian Express (January 8 2014).
  413. “The World Wasn’t Flat in 2013”, published in The Economic Times (January 5 2014).
  414. “Security Manifesto”, published in The Asian Age (December 31 2013).
  415. “Democracy vs. Elections in Bangladesh and Thailand”, published in Russia Today (December 25 2013).
  416. “The Republic of Fear”, published in The Asian Age (December 17 2013).
  417. “A Crucial Visit”, published in The Statesman (December 13 2013).
  418. “Salesman David Cameron Makes up to China”, published in Russia Today (December 5 2013).
  419. “The Afghan Maze”, published in The Asian Age (December 3 2013).
  420. “Chrysanthemum Diplomacy: Japanese Emperor Returns to India”, published in Russia Today (December 2 2013).
  421. “Touted Deal of the Century”, published in The New Indian Express (November 27 2013).
  422. “China’s Short Change”, published in The Asian Age (November 19 2013).
  423. “Stalling the Road to Democracy”, published in The Hindu (November 13 2013).
  424. “Why India’s Mars Mission is About More than Power and Prestige”, published in Russia Today (November 7 2013).
  425. “Road to Endless War”, published in The Asian Age (November 5 2013).
  426. “Where the Mind is with Fear”, published in The Statesman (October 31 2013).
  427. “A New Power Triangle”, published in The Asian Age (October 22 2013).
  428. “The International Controversy Court: Why its Selective Justice is Failing Africa and the World”, published in Russia Today (October 14 2013).
  429. “Join the Asean Way”, published in The Times of India (October 10 2013).
  430. “Watery Graves”, published in The Asian Age (October 8 2013).
  431. “Living with Cyber Insecurity”, published in Seminar (October 2013), New Delhi, India.
  432. “Snowden Fallout: India’s Meow, Brazil’s Roar”, published in Russia Today (September 29 2013).
  433. “Fear Trumps Hope”, published in The Asian Age (September 24 2013).
  434. “Divided Republic: A Rebellion for Turkey’s Soul”, published in Russia Today (September 15 2013).
  435. “The Election Impact”, published in The Asian Age (September 12 2013).
  436. “Silencing Afghanistan’s Future”, published in The Times of India (September 9 2013).
  437. “G20 Verdict: US has Little Global Support for Syria Strike”, published in Russia Today (September 7 2013).
  438. “G20, Fix the Financial Fault Lines”, published in The Economic Times (September 5 2013).
  439. “Challenging US Dollar: BRICS Down but not Out”, published in Russia Today (August 28 2013).
  440. “Swatting Flies, Coddling Tigers”, published in The Asian Age (August 27 2013).
  441. “Chenab Valley on Fire”, published in The Pioneer (August 18 2013), New Delhi, India.
  442. “It’s a Force Multiplier”, published in Hindustan Times (August 13 2013).
  443. “Democracy, Diversity and the India Story”, published in The Asian Age (August 13 2013).
  444. “Delhi to Islamabad, via Kabul”, published in The Diplomat (August 7 2013).
  445. “True Travesty”, published in South China Morning Post (August 2 2013), Hong Kong, China.
  446. “Back to the Future”, published in The Asian Age (July 30 2013).
  447. “Uncle Joe in Town”, published in The Statesman (July 22 2013).
  448. “The Buddha Wept”, published in The Asian Age (July 16 2013).
  449. “Bhutan’s Voters Rethink India Ties”, published in The Wall Street Journal (July 12 2013), Hong Kong, China.
  450. “A Blow to Democracy”, published in The Economic Times (July 5 2013).
  451. “Guns and Games”, published in The Asian Age (July 2 2013).
  452. “Mr. Kerry Comes Calling”, published in The Statesman (June 23 2013).
  453. “The Private Eye”, published in The Asian Age (June 18 2013).
  454. “And the Winner is Khamenei”, published in The Times of India (June 14 2013).
  455. “Muslim vs Muslim in Middle East”, published in The New Indian Express (June 12 2013).
  456. “Light on Cheats”, published in The Asian Age (June 4 2013).
  457. “A Tryst with Japan”, published in The Statesman (May 29 2013).
  458. “Silk Route Redux”, published in The Times of India (May 25 2013).
  459. “A Last Dance with Kenneth Waltz”, published in Asia Times (May 21 2013), Hong Kong, China.
  460. “Guatemala Exhales!”, published in The Asian Age (May 21 2013).
  461. “Bottom-Up Welfare is the Only Way”, published in Hindustan Times (May 16 2013).
  462. “The Limits to Change”, published in The Statesman (May 16 2013).
  463. “The Games Israel Plays”, published in The Asian Age (May 7 2013).
  464. “Ingress into Ladakh”, published in The Statesman (April 29 2013).
  465. “Sunset for America”, published in The Asian Age (April 23 2013).
  466. “Blue Berets Keep Calm”, published in The Times of India (April 16 2013).
  467. “The Power of Humility”, published in The Asian Age (April 9 2013).
  468. “Cyber War & Global Order”, published in The Statesman (April 5 2013).
  469. “Wild Card Re-Entry”, published in The Times of India (March 30 2013).
  470. “A Wall of Brics…”, published in The Asian Age (March 26 2013).
  471. “A Messy War with no Victors”, published in Hindustan Times (March 19 2013).
  472. “Seduced by the Gun”, published in The Asian Age (March 12 2013).
  473. “Chavismo without Chavez”, published in The Statesman (March 7 2013).
  474. “The Bangladesh Opportunity”, published in The Times of India (March 5 2013).
  475. “The Budget Scissors”, published in The Asian Age (February 26 2013).
  476. “Across the Blood-Red Skies”, published in The Times of India (February 23 2013).
  477. “As Cameron Comes Calling”, published in Hindustan Times (February 19 2013).
  478. “The Politics of Justice”, published in The Asian Age (February 12 2013).
  479. “Facing the Cyber Dragon”, published in The Economic Times (February 7 2013).
  480. “Arms and the Merchants of Death”, a review of Vijay Mehta’s The Economics of Killing, published in The Asian Age (February 3 2013).
  481. “Matinee Politics”, published in The Times of India (February 2 2013).
  482. “Jamboree of the Elite”, published in The Asian Age (January 29 2013).
  483. “Pakistan in Crisis”, published in The Statesman (January 22 2013).
  484. “Barack Obama 2.0”, published in The Asian Age (January 15 2013).
  485. “Media Stirs Hornet’s Nest in Guangzhou”, published in Asia Times (January 11 2013).
  486. “Clear the Smokescreen”, published in Hindustan Times (January 5 2013).
  487. “2013, Through the Crystal Ball”, published in The Economic Times (January 2 2013).
  488. “Rising Softly, with Intent”, published in The Asian Age (January 1 2013).
  489. “Spiritual Booze”, published in The Statesman (December 27 2012).
  490. “Deadly Derangements”, published in The Asian Age (December 18 2012).
  491. “Trade Bloc Blues”, published in The Economic Times (December 14 2012).
  492. “Predator or Angel?”, published in The Asian Age (December 4 2012).
  493. “Revolution in a Tailspin”, published in The Times of India (November 26 2012).
  494. “Supping with the Devil”, published in The Asian Age (November 20 2012).
  495. “It’s Time to Make Up for Lost Ground”, published in Hindustan Times (November 12 2012).
  496. “Obama’s Second Coming”, published in The Economic Times (November 8 2012).
  497. “Of Election & Selection”, published in The Asian Age (November 6 2012).
  498. “Common Humanity the Basis for Resolution to Ethnic Clash”, published in South China Morning Post (November 1 2012).
  499. “Saudi Gift Horse to India”, published in The Statesman (October 31 2012).
  500. “Revolt of the Regions”, published in The Asian Age (October 23 2012).
  501. “UK has a Change of Heart, Hits ‘Like’ Button for Modi”, published in The Times of India (October 14 2012).
  502. “The Business of Elections”, published in The Economic Times (October 10 2012).
  503. “A Virtual Universe”, published in The Asian Age (October 9 2012).
  504. “Time to Make a Sea Change in Policies”, published in Hindustan Times (October 8 2012).
  505. “Of Suspicions, Rivalries and Double Crossings”, a review of Bertil Lintner’s Great Game East, published in The Asian Age (September 30 2012).
  506. “Other Side of Growth”, published in The Asian Age (September 25 2012).
  507. “Banking Knights and Knaves”, published in The Economic Times (September 18 2012).
  508. “A Talk with Mr. Abbas”, published in The Statesman (September 15 2012).
  509. “A Clash of Fundamentalisms”, published in The Times of India (September 14 2012).
  510. “Is China Going Back to Dengism?”, published in The Asian Age (September 11 2012).
  511. “The Answer is Local”, published in Hindustan Times (September 5 2012).
  512. “Who NAM I?”, published in The Asian Age (August 28 2012).
  513. “This Column is not Plagiarised”, published in The Hindu (August 20 2012).
  514. “Independence 2.0”, published in The Asian Age (August 14 2012).
  515. “The Inedible Olympic Cake”, published in The Economic Times (August 7 2012).
  516. “India’s Foreign Dreams Must Take Flight”, a review of Shashi Tharoor’s Pax Indica, published in The Asian Age (August 5 2012).
  517. “Iran will not Cave in”, published in Hindustan Times (August 2 2012).
  518. “Industrial Democracy?”, published in The Asian Age (July 31 2012).
  519. “The Lumbering Brics”, published in The Asian Age (July 17 2012).
  520. “With Allies Like These…”, published in The Times of India (July 15 2012).
  521. “Warring on Aviation”, published in The Economic Times (July 12 2012).
  522. “Belling the Fat Cats”, published in The Asian Age (July 3 2012).
  523. “Can’t Kill the Arab Spring”, published in The Times of India (June 21 2012).
  524. “Indignant Indignity”, published in The Asian Age (June 19 2012).
  525. “A Summit for Confidence”, published in The Economic Times (June 18 2012).
  526. “Hope Springs in Valley”, published in The Asian Age (June 5 2012).
  527. “Nato: Axis of Drift”, published in The Asian Age (May 22 2012).
  528. “Read all the Signs, Wait it out on Iran”, published in The Times of India (May 20 2012).
  529. “A Ulysses Moment for US Finance”, published in The Economic Times (May 18 2012).
  530. “The All-American Way is not India’s Way”, a review of William Avery’s China’s Nightmare, America’s Dream, published in The Asian Age (May 13 2012).
  531. “Crouching Lawyer, Sullen Dragon”, published in The Times of India (May 9 2012).
  532. “Obama Wins Politics of Terror”, published in Asia Times (May 4 2012).
  533. “Osama’s Shadow Falls Eastward”, published in The Asian Age (May 2 2012).
  534. “Good Nukes, Bad Nukes”, published in The Asian Age (April 24 2012).
  535. “Blessed are the Peacemakers”, published in The Economic Times (April 21 2012).
  536. “India can no Longer be at Sea”, published in Hindustan Times (April 19 2012), Mumbai, India.
  537. “The Spy who Sold his Cause”, published in The Asian Age (April 6 2012).
  538. “Economic Churning Spurs Chinese ‘Coup'”, published in Asia Times (March 29 2012).
  539. “Needed: Brics with Mortar”, published in The Economic Times (March 21 2012).
  540. “Time for Tough Love”, published in Hindustan Times (March 16 2012).
  541. “Kony Games”, published in The Asian Age (March 15 2012).
  542. “To Women, with Love, from Africa”, published in The Asian Age (March 8 2012).
  543. “The New Left of the Internet era”, published in The Asian Age (March 2 2012).
  544. “Trade for Security”, published in The Economic Times (February 24 2012).
  545. The Politics of Charity”, published in The Asian Age (February 23 2012).
  546. “Some House Rules”, published in Hindustan Times (February 17 2012).
  547. “Tibet and Xi who must be Obeyed”, published in The Asian Age (February 14 2012).
  548. “Russia gets Bad Rap over Syria”, published in The Moscow Times (February 9 2012), Moscow, Russia.
  549. “Maldives Seeks a Lifebuoy”, published in The Economic Times (February 8 2012).
  550. “Webbed to the Cause”, published in Hindustan Times (February 2 2012).
  551. “Samba Lessons for India”, published in The Economic Times (January 27 2012).
  552. “Iranian Oil Poses Asian Dilemma”, published in Asia Times (January 25 2012).
  553. “Less Shock, More Awe”, published in Hindustan Times (January 16 2012).
  554. “The Rise of Al Qaeda’s Franchises”, published in Asia Times (January 6 2012).
  555. “Lion Slayers of the Arab World”, published in The Times of India (January 1 2012).
  556. “11 Global Trends that Defined 2011”, published in The Economic Times (December 25 2011).
  557. “Putin Faces People’s Power”, published in The Times of India (December 15 2011).
  558. “No more Mr. Fall Guy”, published in Hindustan Times (December 14 2011).
  559. “From Oz with Love”, published in The Economic Times (December 10 2011).
  560. “Dead Heat Election Raises Taiwan Stakes”, published in Asia Times (December 3 2011).
  561. “In on the Ground Floor”, published in Hindustan Times (November 25 2011).
  562. “Tiger in the Dragon’s Yard”, published in Asia Times (November 18 2011).
  563. “MF Global and the Global Funk”, published in The Economic Times (November 10 2011).
  564. “Back ‘to each his own’ “, published in Hindustan Times (November 2 2011).
  565. “After Gaddafi, Whither Libya?”, published in The Economic Times (October 22 2011).
  566. “India Holds Gandhi Card for Tahrir Square”, published in Asia Times (October 19 2011).
  567. “The Soul Man”, published in Hindustan Times (October 13 2011).
  568. “Striking a Financial Balance”, published in The Economic Times (October 6 2011).
  569. “No BRICS Rescue for the Eurozone”, published in Asia Sentinel (September 26 2011), Hong Kong, China.
  570. “BRICS and the Limits of Interdependence”, published in The Financial Express (September 23 2011), New Delhi, India.
  571. “Kowtow Diplomacy: How Today’s America Resembles Imperial China”, co-authored with Stephan Richter, published in The Globalist (September 12 2011).
  572. “For a ‘Zero Problems’ South Asia”, published in The Economic Times (September 6 2011).
  573. “Southeast Asia: Navigating Between China and America”, published in The Globalist (September 5 2011)
  574. “Apple and the Art of Business”, published in Asia Times (August 31 2011).
  575. “Class Muddles India’s Anti-Graft Push”, published in Asia Times (August 24 2011).
  576. “Dragon Tries to Slay US Military”, published in Asia Times (August 16 2011).
  577. “When Leaders go AWOL”, published in The Economic Times (August 6 2011).
  578. “How Murdoch Worsened Obama’s Ordeal”, published in The Financial Express (August 2 2011).
  579. “US Opens Regional Trade Gambit in Asia”, published in Asia Times (July 30 2011).
  580. “Mumbai Terror’s Pakistani Trail”, published in The Globalist (July 18 2011)
  581. “India’s Bystander Diplomacy”, published in The Economic Times (July 15 2011).
  582. “Is Israeli Smart Power for Real?”, published in Asia Times (July 13 2011).
  583. “The Party Begins at 90”, published in The Tribune (July 1 2011), Chandigarh, India.
  584. “European Harakiri in Libya”, published in Asia Times (June 28 2011).
  585. “Banking Sans Scruples”, published in The Economic Times (June 24 2011).
  586. “India Inches toward Shanghai”, published in Asia Times (June 20 2011).
  587. “Minority Cloud Looms over Arab Summer”, published in Asia Times (June 13 2011).
  588. “New Star Steers Tibetan Transition”, published in Asia Times (June 2 2011).
  589. “Safari with the People”, published in The Economic Times (May 24 2011).
  590. “Talking without the Elephant”, published in Asia Times (May 16 2011).
  591. “Land of Japain”, published in The Financial Express (May 11 2011).
  592. “The Mastermind’s Afterlife”, published in The Economic Times (May 6 2011).
  593. “G-20 with Teeth?”, published in The Financial Express (April 27 2011).
  594. “Undemocratic Bailouts”, published in The Financial Express (April 13 2011).
  595. “Cricket win Stirs Indian Renaissance”, published in Asia Times (April 5 2011).
  596. “Guessing Game Libya”, published in The Financial Express (March 29 2011).
  597. “War Stalks Revolution in Middle East”, published in Asia Times (March 22 2011).
  598. “Georgia has Key to Russia’s WTO Seat”, published in The Financial Express (March 16 2011).
  599. “Jasmine in a China Shop”, published in The Financial Express (March 3 2011).
  600. “The Spies who got it Wrong”, published in Asia Times (February 19 2011).
  601. “Scramble for Mozambique Coal”, published in The Financial Express (February 15 2011).
  602. “The Dictator’s Ticking Clock”, published in The Financial Express (February 1 2011).
  603. “Long live BRIC, welcome MIST”, published in Asia Times (January 26 2011).
  604. “Colour me China, says Europe”, published in The Financial Express (January 18 2011).
  605. “China Makes Russian Calculations”, published in The Financial Express (January 4 2011).
  606. “Rare Earth Shock”, published in The Financial Express (December 28 2010).
  607. “Reconfiguring the Middle East”, a review of Stephen Kinzer’s Reset: Iran, Turkey and America’s Future, published in Asia Times (December 23 2010).
  608. “Europe Gets Waylaid”, published in The Financial Express (December 9 2010).
  609. “The Man Who Knows Too Much”, published in Asia Times (December 3 2010).
  610. “Mother of all Preferential Trade Zones”, published in The Financial Express (November 26 2010).
  611. “Endgame for Afghanistan”, published in Yale Global (November 17 2010), New Haven, USA.
  612. “A Friend in Need…”, published in The Financial Express (November 12 2010).
  613. “Centrifugal Forces Shape Taiwan’s Democracy”, published in Asia Times (November 6 2010).
  614. “Beijing Bullies, Mumbai Entices”, published in The Financial Express (October 28 2010).
  615. “Brazil Ups the Ante”, published in The Financial Express (October 14 2010).
  616. “Nobel Committee faces down the dragon”, published in Asia Times (October 6 2010).
  617. “Dragonomics Rolls On”, published in The Financial Express (October 1 2010).
  618. “Humanist Manifesto”, a review of Horace Campbell’s Barack Obama and Twenty-First Century Politics. A Revolutionary Moment in the USA, published in Asia Times (September 25 2010).
  619. “A Test for Obama’s Middle East Neutrality”, published in Asia Times (September 24 2010).
  620. “A Clean Energy Meltdown”, published in The Financial Express (September 17 2010).
  621. “Board Games”, published in The Financial Express (September 8 2010).
  622. “Underwater Treasure Hunt”, published in The Financial Express (September 3 2010).
  623. “Occupation Politics Stymie Afghanistan”, published in Asia Times (August 31 2010).
  624. “A Time for Unrest”, published in The Financial Express (August 30 2010).
  625. “Reality Check for Asian Titans”, published in Asia Times (August 21 2010).
  626. “Mosque in Manhattan”, published in The Financial Express (August 20 2010).
  627. “Climate of Inaction”, published in The Financial Express (August 13 2010).
  628. “Closed Books in China”, published in Asia Times (August 10 2010).
  629. “Sour BlackBerries”, published in The Financial Express (August 5 2010).
  630. “Why Was Indian Civil Society Mute?”, published in The Tribune (August 2 2010).
  631. “Go Forth and Multiply?”, published in The Financial Express (July 29 2010).
  632. “China Turns On Demand Power”, published in Asia Times (July 24 2010).
  633. “Placebo Reform?”, published in The Financial Express (July 21 2010).
  634. “Siren Song from China”, published in The Financial Express (July 16 2010).
  635. “Oops, I Tweeted Again”, published in Asia Times (July 13 2010).
  636. “Spy Story Reloaded”, published in The Financial Express (July 9 2010).
  637. “China Unification by Integration”, published in Asia Times (July 3 2010).
  638. “Inquest of a Defeat”, a review of M.R. Narayan Swamy’s The Tiger Vanquished. LTTE’s Story, published in Asia Times (July 3 2010).
  639. “India Scores Bio-Piracy Victory”, published in Asia Times (June 29 2010).
  640. “Coordination Blues”, published in The Financial Express (June 25 2010).
  641. “Oil Slick Without End”, published in The Financial Express (June 18 2010).
  642. “Byzantine Bureaucracy”, published in The Financial Express (June 10 2010).
  643. “Rebalancing China’s Economy”, published in The Financial Express (June 4 2010).
  644. “Diplomatic Activism”, published in The Tribune (June 1 2010).
  645. “Diplomacy Falls on Deaf Ears”, published in Asia Times (May 28 2010).
  646. “Angry Koreas, Nervous World”, published in The Financial Express (May 28 2010).
  647. “More than a Quaint Relic”, published in The Financial Express (May 21 2010).
  648. “Argumentative Chinese Step Forward”, published in Asia Times (May 18 2010).
  649. “India in a Globalised World”, published in Geopolitics (May 2010), New Delhi, India.
  650. “Trans-Atlantic Rescue”, published in The Financial Express (May 13 2010).
  651. “A Pressing Matter”, published in The Financial Express (May 7 2010).
  652. “Knives Sink into Goldman”, published in The Financial Express (April 29 2010).
  653. “C is Big in Bric”, published in The Financial Express (April 23 2010).
  654. “UK Faces an Uncertain Tide”, published in The Financial Express (April 16 2010).
  655. “Sleepless in Bangkok”, published in The Financial Express (April 9 2010).
  656. “Moscow Takes a Hit”, published in The Financial Express (April 1 2010).
  657. “Politics of Extinction”, published in The Financial Express (March 26 2010).
  658. “Chinese Chutzpah”, published in The Financial Express (March 19 2010).
  659. “Automobiles, Fruits and Sunglasses”, published in The Financial Express (March 12 2010).
  660. “What India should do in Afghanistan”, published in The Financial Express (March 3 2010).
  661. “Goldman Sachs Garage-Sold Greece”, published in The Financial Express (February 25 2010).
  662. “India and Iran in the Obama Era”, published in The Globalist (February 22 2010).
  663. “Aiding Soft Power”, published in The Financial Express (February 17 2010).
  664. “Just Disband the Obsolete G-7”, published in The Financial Express (February 10 2010).
  665. “BJP Turns a Corner in Mumbai”, published in The Financial Express (February 3 2010).
  666. “Guidebook of the Nation”, published in The Financial Express (January 26 2010).
  667. “Iranian Elephant in the Iraqi Room”, published in Asia Times (January 23 2010).
  668. “A Bold Gauntlet”, published in The Financial Express (January 20 2010).
  669. “Iceland, Frozen”, published in The Financial Express (January 12 2010).
  670. “Free Trading Asia”, published in The Financial Express (January 6 2010).
  671. “Basics Matter”, published in The Financial Express (December 31 2009).
  672. “Banana Politics”, published in The Financial Express (December 25 2009).
  673. “UN’s Afghan Mission Takes a Hit”, published in Asia Times (December 18 2009).
  674. “The wall Around Wall Street”, published in The Financial Express (December 15 2009).
  675. “India Caught in a Terror Tangle”, published in Asia Times (December 11 2009).
  676. “War and Peace on the Greens”, published in The Financial Express (December 10 2009).
  677. “Bhopal, Chernobyl, Lop Nor”, published in The Financial Express (December 3 2009).
  678. “How Governments Scored on Swine Flu”, published in The Financial Express (November 27 2009).
  679. “No Leader, No Deal”, published in The Financial Express (November 19 2009).
  680. “Chicken, Steel and Tyre Politics”, published in The Financial Express (November 13 2009).
  681. “Today’s India and Yesterday’s Indira”, published in The Financial Express (November 3 2009).
  682. “Bellicose in Baghdad”, published in The Financial Express (October 27 2009).
  683. “How to Hedge against the Rajaratnams”, published in The Financial Express (October 20 2009).
  684. “Peace of a Puzzle”, published in The Financial Express (October 13 2009).
  685. “Blame it on Chicago”, published in The Financial Express (October 6 2009).
  686. “India and China Profess Brotherhood”, published in Asia Times (October 2 2009).
  687. “What’s left Now for Global Left?”, published in The Financial Express (September 29 2009).
  688. “Everybody Loves a Good Fête”, published in The Financial Express (September 23 2009).
  689. “9/15: The War is not Over”, published in The Financial Express (September 15 2009).
  690. “Netanyahu Plays a Russian Rope Trick”, published in Asia Times (September 15 2009)
  691. “Geoeconomics and a Libyan Bomber”, published in The Financial Express (September 11 2009).
  692. “Wilted Lotus, Can it Bloom Again?”, published in The Financial Express (August 31 2009).
  693. “More Banana Republic”, published in The Financial Express (August 25 2009).
  694. “Wary India Frisks North Korean Freighter”, published in Asia Times (August 21 2009).
  695. “Jamie is a Good Boy, but Rest of the Class?”, published in The Financial Express (August 18 2009).
  696. “The Barricade Brigade”, published in The Financial Express (August 13 2009).
  697. “Swiss Bank Account Holder? Shame”, published in The Financial Express (August 7 2009).
  698. “Iran, US do a ‘War on Terror’ Somersault”, published in Asia Times (August 1 2009).
  699. “Xinjiang Riots Confound Islamists”, published in Asia Times (July 29 2009).
  700. “The System’s Challengers”, a review of Robin Wright’s Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East, published in Asia Times (July 26 2009).
  701. “India’s Climate Change Impasse”, published in Opinion Asia (July 23 2009), Singapore.
  702. “Learn to Mix Oil & People”, published in The Financial Express (July 22 2009).
  703. “Australia Lands in Chinese Soup”, published in Asia Times (July 14 2009).
  704. “India’s Quest for Autonomy”, a review of Rajiv Sikri’s Challenge and Strategy. Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy, published in Asia Times (July 11 2009).
  705. “Death Becomes Us”, published in The Financial Express (July 9 2009).
  706. “Inside China’s Unquiet West”, published in Asia Times (July 8 2009).
  707. “A UN Crapshoot in Pakistan”, published in Asia Times (July 4 2009)
  708. “Maya Does as Mao Did”, published in The Financial Express (July 2 2009).
  709. “China Creates an Internet Albatross”, published in Asia Times (July 1 2009).
  710. “Who Will be CPM’s Khruschev?”, published in The Financial Express (June 25 2009).
  711. “Sino-Indian Rivalry and Asian Stability”, published in The Globalist (June 22 2009).
  712. “Pro-Incumbency, Iranian Style”, published in The Financial Express (June 16 2009).
  713. “Money Can’t Bridge this Gulf”, published in The Financial Express (June 12 2009).
  714. “Circling the Tiananmen Square”, published in The Financial Express (June 4 2009).
  715. “Dumping Waste, Courting Trouble”, published in The Financial Express (May 27 2009).
  716. “The Dragon’s Shadow”, a review of Scott Snyder’s China’s Rise and the Two Koreas: Politics, Economics, Security, published in Asia Times (May 23 2009).
  717. “Prabhakaran’s Ghost Threatens to Haunt Sri Lanka”, published in Opinion Asia (May 20 2009).
  718. “Sticking to the Centre”, published in The Financial Express (May 19 2009).
  719. “A Difficult 100 Days”, published in The Financial Express (May 2 2009).
  720. “Mental Slaves”, published in The Statesman (April 23 2009).
  721. “Ungainly Friendship”, a review of Bobo Lo’s Axis of Convenience: Moscow, Beijing and the New Geopolitics,published in Asia Times (April 25 2009).
  722. “A Short Step in the March to Justice”, published in Asia Times (April 22 2009).
  723. “A Tech-Savvy Rebellion in Thailand”, published in Asia Times (April 17 2009).
  724. “The War on Women in Afghanistan”, published in Opinion Asia (April 13 2009).
  725. “Dollar and More”, published in The Financial Express (April 7 2009).
  726. “The Collateral Crisis”, published in The Financial Express (March 27 2009).
  727. “Divided We Will Fall”, published in The Financial Express (March 13 2009).
  728. “Gandhi’s Glasses and a Rabbit’s Head”, published in Asia Times (March 6 2009).
  729. “Power Play Behind Bangladesh’s Mutiny”, published in Asia Times (March 3 2009).
  730. “‘Conspiracies’ Cloud India’s Terror Probe”, published in Asia Times (February 26 2009).
  731. “Transforming India-Pakistan Relations”, co-authored with Stephan Richter, published in The Globalist (February 24 2009).
  732. “Home Safe Home”, published in The Financial Express (February 21 2009).
  733. “Obama Sparks US Image Makeover”, published in Asia Times (February 11 2009).
  734. “Protect Capitalism, Not Trade”, published in The Financial Express (February 7 2009).
  735. “Crisis and the Average Jane”, published in The Financial Express (January 31 2009).
  736. “Under Obama: Uncle Sam, Honest Broker?”, published in Opinion Asia (January 25 2009).
  737. “The Strongmen’s Benefactors”, a review of David Lewis’ The Temptations of Tyranny in Central Asia, published in Asia Times (January 24 2009).
  738. “China’s Horrible 2008”, published in The Globalist (January 20 2009).
  739. “Strong-Arm Tactics”, published in The Financial Express (January 13 2009).
  740. “A High Cost for More Feet on the Ground”, published in Asia Times (January 8 2009).
  741. “Through the Looking Glass”, published in The Financial Express (January 5 2009).
  742. “When Odd States Normalise”, published in The Financial Express (December 24 2008).
  743. “The Global Scientific Race”, published in The International Indian (December 2008).
  744. “A Peek into Iran’s Nuclear Pandora’s Box”, published in Asia Times (December 17 2008).
  745. “A Novel Way to Tackle Pakistan”, published in Asia Times (December 16 2008).
  746. “Gaza Blockade: Slivers in the Holy Land”, published in Opinion Asia (December 11 2008).
  747. “India: Great Power or Not?”, published in The Globalist (December 9 2008).
  748. “For a Community-Led Role in Counter-Terrorism”, published in The Hindu (November 30 2008).
  749. “Indian Navy Comes of Age”, published in The Hindu (November 21 2008).
  750. “Politics of Polarisation”, published in The Hindu (November 12 2008).
  751. “Nationalism from Afar”, published in The International Indian (October 2008).
  752. “The Rise (and Fall?) of Petro-States”, published in The Hindu (October 30 2008).
  753. “Graveyard of Indian Idealism”, a review of Claude Arpi’s Tibet. The Lost Frontier, published in Asia Times (October 25 2008).
  754. “On the Trail in America: Waiting for Obama”, published in Opinion Asia (October 16 2008).
  755. “Tinsel Politics Return in India”, published in Asia Times (September 19 2008).
  756. “Righting Historical Wrongs: The Global Politics of Apologies”, published in The Globalist (September 15 2008).
  757. “Civilians Caught in Sri Lanka’s ‘Clean War'”, published in Asia Times (September 11 2008).
  758. “Cooperation with Discord”, published in The Hindu (September 3 2008).
  759. “The Believer’s Travails”, published in The International Indian (August 2008).
  760. “Leviathan’s Return”, published in Asia Times (August 28 2008).
  761. “Georgia: The Super Cop Vanishes”, published in The Hindu (August 19 2008).
  762. “The US, Pakistan and the Law of Unintended Consequences”, published in The Globalist (August 18 2008).
  763. “New International Regional Pacts: Vision or Vainglory?”, published in Opinion Asia (August 13 2008).
  764. “Chronicle of Errors”, a review of Ahmed Rashid’s Descent Into Chaos. How the War Against Islamic Extremism is Being Lost in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia, published in Asia Times (August 9 2008).
  765. “A Leap of Faith for Saudi King”, published in Asia Times (July 22 2008).
  766. “Fundamentalism with Nuances”, a review of Jeroen Gunning’s Hamas in Politics. Democracy, Religion, Violence, published in Asia Times (July 19 2008).
  767. “A Victory of Principles”, published in The Hindu (July 16 2008).
  768. “Middle Kingdom Deciphered”, a review of Pallavi Aiyar’s Smoke and Mirrors. An Experience of China, published in Asia Times (July 12 2008).
  769. “Islamism Shakes Kashmir”, published in Asia Times (July 8 2008).
  770. “Civilian N-Deal: A Victim of Oversell”, published in The Financial World (June 25 2008), Chandigarh, India.
  771. “India’s Central Asian Struggle”, published in International Indian (June 2008).
  772. “Middle East Serves US Some Humble Pie”, published in Asia Times (June 20 2008).
  773. “Asia’s Awesome Threesome”, a review of Bill Emmott’s Rivals. How the Power Struggle Between China, India and Japan will Shape our Next Decade, published in Asia Times (June 14 2008).
  774. “Monarchies in Asia: Crowns Die Hard”, published in Opinion Asia (June 11 2008).
  775. “UN Security Council Seat: China Outsmarts India”, published in World Press Review (May 30 2008).
  776. “An Appeaser in the White House?”, published in Asia Times (May 21 2008).
  777. “Bangladeshi Immigrants Stoke Terror in India”, published in Asia Sentinel (May 15 2008).
  778. “The Problem with Dictators and Disasters”, published in Asia Times (May 13 2008).
  779. “Undiplomatically Yours”, published in Asia Times (May 9 2008).
  780. “Just Blame it on China and India”, published in Asia Times (May 6 2008).
  781. “China’s Cybersnoops Scour the World”, published in Asia Sentinel (May 2 2008).
  782. “India, China Hold G8 Options”, published in Asia Times (April 29 2008).
  783. “Blue Collar Immigrant Blues”, published in The International Indian (April 2008).
  784. “Muqtada’s Biggest Battle Already Won”, published in Asia Times (April 23 2008).
  785. “Asia Pushes, West Resists”, a review of Kishore Mahbubani’s The New Asian Hemisphere. The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East, published in Asia Times (April 19 2008).
  786. “Mixed Muslim Message in War on Terror”, published in Asia Times (April 12 2008).
  787. “Old Friends, New World”, co-authored with Horace Campbell, published in The Statesman (April 8 2008).
  788. “The Age of the Immigrant Spy”, published in Asia Times (April 3 2008).
  789. “The Flawed Golden Goose”, a review of Was Rahman & Priya Kurien’s Blind Men and the Elephant. Demystifying the Global IT Services Industry, published in Asia Times (March 29 2008).
  790. “India’s Tata Grabs a Prize”, published in Asia Sentinel (March 26 2008).
  791. “India’s Restrictions Hamper Tibetan Movement”, published in Asia Sentinel (March 18 2008).
  792. “Should India be a Satellite-Killer?”, published in Free Press Journal (March 5 2008), Mumbai, India.
  793. “Israel and India: Iran’s Needless Hullabaloo”, published in Free Press Journal (February 19 2008).
  794. “India’s Self-Confident Avatar”, published in The International Indian (February 2008).
  795. “The Ever-Changing Faces of Terror”, published in Asia Times (February 8 2008).
  796. “One Mainland, Two Systems”, a review of Baogang He’s Rural Democracy in China. The Role of Village Elections, published in Asia Times (February 2 2008).
  797. “The Tyrant Who Escaped Justice”, published in The Asian Age (January 31 2008), New Delhi, India.
  798. “Black Turbans Rebound”, a review of Antonio Giustozzi’s Koran, Kalashnikov, and Laptop: The Neo-Taliban Insurgency in Afghanistan, published in Asia Times (January 26 2008).
  799. “Benazir’s Assassination: A Tragedy Foretold”, published in Indo-Asian News Service (December 28 2007), New Delhi, India.
  800. “The Great Survivor”, a review of Ramachandra Guha’s India After Gandhi: The History of the World’s Largest Democracy, published in Asia Times (December 15 2007).
  801. “Muslim Democracy: An Oxymoron?”, a review of Zoya Hasan (ed.) Democracy in Muslim Societies: The Asian Experience, published in Asia Times (November 22 2007).
  802. “The China Threat: How Real is it?”, published in The International Indian (November 2007).
  803. “India’s Defining Decade”, a review of Phillips Talbot’s An American Witness to India’s Partition, published in World Press Review (October 31 2007).
  804. “Embattled Frontier”, a review of S.P.Sinha’s Lost Opportunities. 50 Years of Insurgency in the North-East and India’s Response, published in Asia Times (October 13 2007).
  805. “Jagjit Singh: A Musical Demiurge”, published in Asian Lite (October 7 2007), Manchester, UK.
  806. “Is India Aligning in a New Cold War?”, published in World Press Review (September 30 2007).
  807. “Lodestar of Liberty”, a review of Justin Wintle’s Perfect Hostage: A Life of Aung San Suu Kyi, published in Asia Times (September 1 2007).
  808. “India Finds Unity in Terror”, published in Asia Times (August 28 2007).
  809. “India’s Silent Warriors”, a review of B.Raman’s The Kaoboys of R&AW: Down Memory Lane, published in Asia Times (August 18 2007).
  810. “Asian Drama”, a review of M.K.Rasgotra (ed.) The New Asian Power Dynamic, published in Asia Times (August 11 2007).
  811. “Taliban: Pakistan’s Incubus, World’s Scourge”, published in Free Press Journal (August 1 2007).
  812. “India’s Holy Grail”, a review of Anuj Dhar’s Back From Dead: Inside the Subhas Bose Mystery, published in Asia Times (July 14 2007).
  813. “The Adaptive Power”, a review of Kenneth Pyle’s Japan Rising: The Resurgence of Japanese Power and Purpose, published in Asia Times (June 16 2007).
  814. “The Longest Jihad”, a review of Praveen Swami’s India, Pakistan and the Secret Jihad: The Covert War in Kashmir, 1947-2004, published in Asia Times (May 5 2007).
  815. “Close, but Not Too Close”, a review of John Garver’s China and Iran: Ancient Partners in a Post-Imperial World, published in Asia Times (April 7 2007).
  816. “India’s Soft Power: Lessons From Nehru”, published in Indo-Asian News Service (March 12 2007).
  817. “A Law Unto Itself”, a review of Nick Robins’ The Corporation That Changed the World: How the East India Company Shaped the Modern Multinational, published in Asia Times (January 27 2007).
  818. “ULFA Mayhem: The Burma Factor”, published in Indo-Asian News Service (January 12 2007).
  819. “Operation Bungle Iraq”, a review of Rajiv Chandrasekaran’s Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone, published in Asia Times (January 6 2007).
  820. “Salesman of Doom”, a review of Gordon Corera’s Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity and the Rise and Fall of the A Q Khan Network, published in Asia Times (December 2 2006).
  821. “Worm in the Sunni Apple”, a review of Vali Nasr’s The Shia Revival. How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future, published in Asia Times (October 28 2006).
  822. “Is There a ‘Burns Effect’ on Pakistan?”, published in Indo-Asian News Service (October 17 2006).
  823. “Epitaph to Unipolarity”, a review of Joseph Stroupe’s Russian Rubicon: Impending Checkmate of the West, published in Asia Times (October 14 2006).
  824. “L’etat, C’est Moi”, a review of Paul Handley’s The King Never Smiles: A Biography of Thailand’s Bhumibol Adulyadej, published in World Press Review (October 4 2006).
  825. “The State Versus Society in Iran”, a review of Ali Gheissari and Vali Nasr’s Democracy in Iran: History and the Quest for Liberty, published in Asia Times (September 23 2006).
  826. “Deadly Double Game”, a review of Amir Mir’s The True Face of Jehadis: Inside Pakistan’s Network of Terror,published in Asia Times (August 26 2006).
  827. “The Quiet Revolution”, a review of Doug Guthrie’s China and Globalisation: The Social, Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese Society,published in Asia Times (June 17 2006).
  828. “Legend of Arabia”, a review of Peter Bergen’s The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda’s Leader,published in Asia Times (June 10 2006).
  829. “Wanted: A New Indira Doctrine”, published in Indo-Asian News Service (June 4 2006).
  830. “Why All is Quiet on the American Home Front”, published in Asia Times (May 24 2006).
  831. “The Rang De Basanti Generation”, published in Bharat Times (May 2006), Victoria, Australia.
  832. “A Systems Solution to the Middle East”, a review of Gawdat Bahgat’s Israel and the Persian Gulf: Retrospect and Prospect, published in Asia Times (April 8 2006).
  833. “The Fanatic’s Mindset”, a review of Mary Habeck’s Knowing the Enemy: Jihadist Ideology and the War on Terror, published in Asia Times (April 1 2006).
  834. “The Eagle’s Embrace”, published in Hindustan Times (March 13 2006).
  835. “The Great Indian Diaspora”, published in India Day After (February 16 2006), New Delhi, India.
  836. “New Playground of Jihad”, a review of Hiranmay Karlekar’s Bangladesh. The Next Afghanistan?, published in World Press Review (February 20 2006).
  837. “East Asia’s Black Sheep”, a review of Young Whan Kihl and Hong Nack Kim (eds.) North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival, published in Asia Times (February 17 2006).
  838. “Rebuilding Pangs”, a review of Said Hyder Akbar’s Come Back to Afghanistan, published in Asia Times (February 4 2006).
  839. “Arabian Nights in Delhi”, published in Indo-Asian News Service (January 28 2006).
  840. “The Globalisation of Terror”, a review of Salman Rushdie’s Shalimar the Clown, published in Asia Times (January 14 2006).
  841. “For Reasons of State”, a review of Daniel Byman’s Deadly Connections. States That Sponsor Terrorism, published in Asia Times (November 5 2005).
  842. “Might Versus Right”, a review of John Heath’s Tibet and China in the Twenty-First Century. Non-Violence Versus State Power, published in Asia Times (October 15 2005).
  843. “In the Heart of a Volcano”, a review of Flynt Leverett’s Inheriting Syria. Bashar’s Trial by Fire, published in Asia Times (October 1 2005).
  844. “Timeless Wisdom, Heedless World”, a review of Deepak Chopra’s Peace is the Way. Bringing War and Violence to an End, published in Asia Times (September 10 2005).
  845. “Conflict Kaleidoscope”, a review of Nirupama Subramanian’s Sri Lanka: Voices From a War Zone, published in Asia Times (August 20 2005).
  846. “Are Personalities Passe?”, published in South Asian Outlook (August 2005), Toronto, Canada.
  847. “Diehard Legionnaires”, a review of Naem Qassem’s Hizbullah. The Story From within, published in Asia Times (July 30 2005).
  848. “Astral Politics”, a review of Arthur I Miller’s Empire of the Stars. Friendship, Obsession and Betrayal in the Quest for Black Holes, published in Current Science (July 25 2005), Bangalore, India.
  849. “God’s Madmen”, a review of Farhad Khosrokhavar’s Suicide Bombers. Allah’s New Martyrs, published in Asia Times (July 16 2005).
  850. “Passage to Stephania”, a review of Daniel O’Connor’s Interesting Times in India. A Short Decade at St.Stephen’sCollege, published in Asia Times (July 23 2005).
  851. “Spymaster’s Pandora’s Box”, a review of M.K.Dhar’s Open Secrets. India’s Intelligence Unveiled, published in Asia Times (June 18 2005).
  852. “Dauntless Journalism”, a review of Hugh Miles’ Al-Jazeera. How Arab TV News Challenged the World, published inAsia Times (May 28 2005).
  853. “Himalayan Dilemma”, a review of Mahendra Lawoti’s Towards a Democratic Nepal, published in Asia Times (April 30 2005).
  854. “The Road to Amity”, a review of Rafiq Zaqaria’s Indian Muslims: Where Have They Gone Wrong?, published in Asia Times (April 8 2005).
  855. “A Science so Noble”, published in Bharat Times (January 1 2005).
  856. “More Than Just a Game”, a review of Boria Majumdar’s Twenty Two Yards to Freedom. A Social History of Indian Cricket, published in Asia Times (March 4 2005).
  857. “The Soul of a City”, a review of Suketu Mehta’s Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found, published in Asia Times (February 19 2005).
  858. “Survival of the Luckiest”, published in The Asian Age (January 1 2005).
  859. “Think Locally, Act Globally”, published in Bharat Times (December 1 2004).
  860. “The Real American Fizz”, a review of Constance Hays’ The Real Thing. Truth and Power at the Coca-Cola Company, published in Asia Times (November 11 2004).
  861. “Egressing Iraq: Why and How”, a review of CATO Institute’s Exiting Iraq: Why the US Must End the Military Occupation and Renew the War Against Al Qaeda, published inBharat Times (November 1 2004).
  862. “Two Villages and an Elephant”, a review of Strobe Talbott’s Engaging India. Diplomacy, Democracy and the Bomb,published in Asia Times (December 16 2004).
  863. “Crusade for Monoculture”, a review of Samuel Huntington’s Who Are We? America’s Great Debate, published in Asia Times (December 25 2004).
  864. “Dialogue for Development”, a review of Arun Maira’s Remaking India. One Country, One Destiny, published in Asia Times (January 22 2005).
  865. “Pelf Wars”, published in Bharat Times (October 1 2004).
  866. “Power Point”, published in Bharat Times (September 1 2004).
  867. “The State’s Godly March”, published in Bharat Times (August 1 2004).
  868. “New India’s Vital Constituency”, published in Bharat Times (July 1 2004).
  869. “Representation Rigmaroles”, published in Bharat Times (June 1 2004).
  870. “Left Wing Left Out”, published in Bharat Times (May 1 2004).
  871. “Exceptionalist Insanity”, published in Bharat Times (April 1 2004).
  872. “Timbuktu Hotels and Global Headaches”, published in Bharat Times (March 1 2004).
  873. “A Dream Gone Sour”, a review of Horace Campbell’s Reclaiming Zimbabwe, published in Bharat Times (February 1 2004).
  874. “First Nation Tragedies”, a review of Pierre Walter et al (ed.) Globalisation and Indigenous Peoples in Asia, published in Asia Times (October 23  2004).
  875. “Demilitarise or Perish”, a review of Ahmad Faruqui’s Rethinking the National Security of Pakistan. The Price of Strategic Myopia, published in Asia Times (September 3 2004).
  876. “The Rise of India’s ‘IT Paradise’”, a review of James Hietzman’s Network City. Planning the Information Society in Bangalore, published in Asia Times (July 30 2004).
  877. “The Inscrutable Indians”, a review of Pavan Varma’s Being Indian, published in Asia Times (June 12 2004).
  878. “The Kashmir Conundrum”, a review of Sumantra Bose’s Kashmir. Roots of Conflict. Paths to Peace, published in Asia Times (May 22 2004).
  879. “Tomorrow Never Dies”, a review of Prem Shankar Jha’s The End of Saddam Hussein. History Through the Eyes of the Victims, published in Asia Times (May 6 2004).
  880. “WTO Fault Lines”, a review of T.K.Bhaumick (ed.) Doha Development Agenda. A Global View, published in Asia Times (March 31 2004)
  881. “Honey, He Trashed the Bushes!”, a review of Michael Moore’s Dude, Where’s My Country?, published in Asia Times (February 28, 2004).
  882. “Pakistan’s Beirut”, a review of Wilson John’s Karachi: A Terror Capital in the Making, published by Asia Times (January 17 2004).
  883. “Nehru’s Overlooked Legacy”, a review of Shashi Tharoor’s Nehru. The Invention of India, published by Asia Times (January 10 2004).
  884. “The Hare and the Tortoise”, a review of Subramanian Swamy’s Economic Reforms and Performance. China and India in Comparative Perspective, published in Asia Times (December 6 2003)
  885. “Calculated Hospitality”, a review of Ranabir Samaddar (ed.) Refugees and the State. Practices of Asylum and Care in India, published in Asia Times (November 1 2003).
  886. “Future Shock”, a review of S.Padmanabhan’s The Writing on the Wall. India Checkmates America 2017, published in Asia Times (August 6 2004).
  887. “Enigma Decryption”, a review of MR Narayan Swamy’s Inside an Elusive Mind. Prabhakaran, published in Asia Times (October 4 2003).
  888. “Democracy and Mobocracy”, a review of Fareed Zakaria’s The Future of Freedom. Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad, published in Asia Times (September 13 2003).
  889. “Mammon’s Cesspool”, a review of N.Vittal’s Corruption in India. The Roadblock to National Prosperity, published in Asia Times (September 5 2003).
  890. “UN: Even Angels Need Protection”, published in Asia Times (August 30 2003).
  891. “An Intellectual Among Journalists”, a review of MJ Akbar’s Byline, published in The Asian Age (August 19 2003).
  892. “Indian Democracy Imperilled”, a review of Bipan Chandra’s In the Name of Democracy. JP Movement and the Emergency, published in Asia Times (August 16 2003).
  893. “Afghanistan’s Number One Threat”, published in Kashmir Herald (August 2003), Maryland, USA.
  894. “Dissecting an Assassination”, a review of William Pepper’s An Act of State. The Execution of Martin Luther King,published in Asia Times (July 26 2003).
  895. “Exposition of Revolutionary Terror”, a review of Francois Bizot’s The Gate, published in Asia Times (July 4 2003).
  896. “Flowerless Insein: Indian Realism Will Backfire”, published in India Reacts (June 24 2003), New Delhi, India.
  897. “Minority Rule, Majority Hate”, a review of Amy Chua’s World on Fire. How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability, published in Asia Times (June 7 2003).
  898. “Wilsonian Idealism Reconsidered”, a review of John Thompson’s Woodrow Wilson (Profiles in Power Series),published in Asia Times (May 3 2003).
  899. “The Curse of the Poppy”, a review of UNODC’s The Opium Economy in Afghanistan. An International Problem,published in Asia Times (April 25 2003).
  900. “A World Without the UN? Nah”, published in Asia Times (April 16 2003).
  901. “Afghanistan: The Lost Homeland”, a review of Tamim Ansary’s West of Kabul. East of New York. An Afghan American Journey, published in Asia Times (April 11 2003).
  902. “Americans are from Mars, Europeans from Venus”, a review of Robert Kagan’s Of Paradise and Power. America and Europe in the New World Order,published in Asia Times (March 28 2003).
  903. “The Art of Keeping the Peace”, a review of Indar Jit Rikhye’s Trumpets and Tumults. The Memoirs of a Peacekeeper,published in Asia Times (March 14 2003).
  904. “Kashmiri Pandits. Groping in a Lightless Tunnel”, published in Kashmir Telegraph (March 2003), Mumbai, India.
  905. “Pakistan: The World’s Next Failed State?”, a review of Mary Anne Weaver’s Pakistan. In the Shadow of Jihad and Afghanistan, published in Asia Times (February 28 2003).
  906. “A Soulful Journey”, a review of Asharani Mathur (ed.) Beyond Time. The Ageless Music of Jagjit Singh, published in Asia Times (February 14 2003).
  907. “War as Peace. A Dangerous Concept”, co-authored with Horace Campbell, published in The Black Electorate (February 2 2003).
  908. “A Korean Exit Strategy for the US”, a review of Selig Harrison’s Korean Endgame. A Strategy for Reunification and US Disengagement, published in Asia Times (February 1 2003).
  909. “Press the Patriotism Button, Baby”, published in Asia Times (January 21 2003).
  910. “An Equal Music”, published in The Asian Age (January 5 2003).
  911. “Tibet. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, a review of Dawa Norbu’s China’s Tibet Policy, published in World Tibet Network News (January 17 2003),Montreal, Canada.
  912. “British Neocolonialism and Cricket in Zimbabwe”, published in India Day After (January 15 2003).
  913. “Master Strategist or Master Crook?”, a review of Christopher Hitchens’ The Trial of Henry Kissinger, published in Asia Times (January 11 2003).
  914. “September 11. Battle of the ‘Isms’ “, published in Asia Times (December 24 2002).
  915. “September 11 and the American Journo”, a review of Thomas Friedman’s Longitudes and Attitudes. Exploring the World After September 11, published in Asia Times (December 14 2002).
  916. “The Not-so-Invisible Hand”, published in India Currents (November 3 2002), California, USA.
  917. “Reclaiming Burma”, a review of James Mawdsley’s The Iron Road. A Strand for Truth and Democracy in Burma,published in Asia Times (November 30 2002).
  918. “Terrorism: What’s in a Name?”, published in Daily Excelsior (December 4 2002), Jammu, India.
  919. “Globalising Poverty, IMF Style’, a review of Joseph Stiglitz’s Globalization and its Discontents, published in Asia Times (November 16 2002).
  920. “Mrs.R and the Human Rights Scripture’, a review of Mary Ann Glendon’s A World Made New. Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, published in Asia Times (November 1 2002).
  921. “A Tale of Two Elections”, published in India Reacts (October 26 2002).
  922. “Anatomy of Islamism”, a review of Frederci Grare’s Political Islam in the Indian Subcontinent, The Jamaat-i-Islami, published in Asia Times (October 26 2002).
  923. “In Search of Jayaprakash”, published in The Newspaper Today (October 16 2002), New Delhi, India.
  924. “Osama’s Universe”, a review of Rohan Gunaratna’s Inside Al Qaeda. Global Network of Terror, published in Asia Times (October 12 2002).
  925. “The Colossus of Cricket”, a review of Peter Murray & Ashish Shukla’s Sachin Tendulkar. Masterful, published in Asia Times (October 5 2002).
  926. “Perfidious Albion and the First Kashmir War”, a review of Chandrashekhar Dasgupta’s War and Diplomacy in Kashmir, 1947-48, published in Mainstream Weekly (October 1 2002), New Delhi, India.
  927. “Friend of India. Friend of the World”, a review of Godfrey Hodgson’s  The Gentleman from New York: Daniel Patrick Moynihan. A Biography, published in Asia Times (September 28 2002).
  928. “India and Pakistan: The Ever Ever Antagonism”, a review of J.N. Dixit’s India-Pakistan in War & Peace, published in Asia Times (September 13 2002).
  929. “Fifty Years of Helping the Displaced”, a review of Gil Loescher’s UNHCR and World Politics. A Perilous Path,published in Asia Times (September 6 2002).
  930. “The Great Western Establishment Lie”, published in The Newspaper Today (August 12 2002).
  931. “Attacking Iraq: The Humanitarian Consequences”, published in Earth Times (July 30 2002), New York, USA.
  932. “Religion as War”, a review of M.J.Akbar’s The Shade of Swords. Jihad and the Conflict Between Islam and Christianity, published in The Asian Age (July 11 2002).
  933. “Remembering an African Martyrdom”, a review of Ludo De Witte’s The Assassination of Lumumba, published in Asia Times (July 3 2002).
  934. “Between Life and Afterlife”, a review of Manil Suri’s The Death of Vishnu, published in Asia Times (July 19 2002).
  935. “Kashmir: The Unforgotten Tale”, a review of Vikram Chandra’s The Srinagar Conspiracy, published in Kashmir Herald (July 2002).
  936. “Kashmiri Hindus in the 21st Century”a review of MM.Kaw, BB.Dhar et al edited Kashmiri Pandits: Looking to the Future, published in Kashmir Herald (June 2002).
  937. “Sculptors of Silicon India”, a review of Chidanand Rajghatta’s The Horse That Flew. How India’s Silicon Gurus Spread Their Wings, published in Asia Times (June 20 2002).
  938. “Burlesques Called Referendums”, published in Kashmir Herald (May 2002).
  939. “Dragon Versus Peacock”, a review of John Garver’s Protracted Contest. Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Twentieth Century, published in Asia Times (April 27 2002).
  940. “Politics Bedevil the International Criminal Court”, published in Asia Times (April 23 2002).
  941. “Pakistan. In Need of a New ‘A’ “, published in Asia Times (April 11 2002).
  942. “Diplomacy as a Sword Arm”, published in Kashmir Herald (April 2002).
  943. “An Evening with Salman Rushdie”, published in Asia Times (April 6 2002).
  944. “India as a World Power”, a review of Stephen P Cohen’s India Emerging Power, published in Asia Times (March 30, 2002).
  945. “Science for Humanity or Profit?”, a review of Jeremy Rifkin’s The Biotech Century. Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World, published in Current Science  (March 10 2002).
  946. “Village Defence Committees in the Kashmir Counter-Insurgency”, published in Kashmir Herald (March 2002).
  947. “Reminiscences of the Silent Chanakya”, a review of P.V.Narasimha Rao’s The Insider, published in Himal South Asia (March 2002), Kathmandu, Nepal.
  948. “Skewed Portrait of India’s Iron Lady” a review of Katherine Frank’s Indira. The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi, published in Asia Times (March 23 2002).
  949. Hrithik Roshan and Nepal: One Year Later”, published in South Asian Outlook (February 2002).
  950. “Terrorism in Kashmir: The Non-State Actor Bugbear”, published in Kashmir Herald (February 2002).
  951. “The PM’s Utopian Understanding of History”, published in (February 6 2002), New Delhi, India.
  952. “Delhi, the Most Terrorised City on the Planet”, published in Bharat Times (January 7 2002).
  953. “Human Rights in POK: Screams of the Oppressed”, published in India Reacts (29 December 2001).
  954. “Strategic Depth, Strategic Assets and the Changing Dynamics of Pakistan’s Kashmir Game Plan”, published in Kashmir Herald (December 2001).
  955. “Pervez Musharraf: Sly Skater on Thin Ice”, published in Kashmir Herald (December 2001).
  956. “War Against Terror: The Public Opinion Conundrum”, published in The Tribune (November 25 2001).
  957. “V.S.Naipaul. Immigrant, Philosopher and Rebel Extraordinaire”, published in (October 2001).
  958. “The Pity of War”, published in The Hindu (October 16 2001).
  959. “Imagined Communities in a Shaky Subcontinent”, a review of Ian Talbot’s India and Pakistan: Inventing the Nation,published in Himal South Asia (September 2001).
  960. “India Watch Out!”, published in (September 2001).
  961. “Pakistan. Quo Vadis?”, a review of Sherbaz Khan Mazari’s Journey to Disillusionment, published in Kashmir Herald (April 2001).
  962. “The Tyranny of Borders”, a review of Stephen Alter’s Amritsar to Lahore: A Journey Across the India-Pakistan Border,published in (March2001).
  963. “Comic Farce of Modern India”, a review of Rukun Advani’s Beethoven Among the Cows, published in (March 2001).
  964. “The Reason for War Was War”, a review of Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost, published in (February 2001)
  965. “All the Prime Ministers”, a review of Janardan Thakur’s Prime Ministers- Nehru to Vajpayee, published in (August 2000).



  1. Invited by the Sushma Swaraj Foreign Service Institute to train Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officers (Annually)
  2. Invited by the Defence Services Staff College to address Indian and foreign armed forces (2024)
  3. Invited by the National Defence College to address Indian and foreign armed forces (2022)
  4. Invited by College of Defence Management to address Indian and foreign armed forces (2021)
  5. Book on Narendra Modi’s foreign policy named in Top 10 Books of 2016 by The Globalist (2016)
  6. Invited by the Government of Iran to attend preparations for the NAM Summit in Tehran, Iran (2012)
  7. Invited by the Government of Mexico to attend preparations for the G-20 Heads of Government Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico (2012)
  8. Awarded the first ever B. Raman Fellowship for Geopolitical Analysis by the Takshashila Institution, a networked strategic affairs think tank based in Chennai (2011-’12)
  9. Received University Gold Medal for B.A. History Honours, Delhi University (1999)
  10. Received National Merit Scholarship, Government of India, for “extraordinary academic and co-curricular activities” at the Intermediate level (1994)
  11. Received Prakasam Memorial Prize, A.K.C.Junior College, Rajahmundry for topping college in political science (1995)
  12. Secured I Rank in all-Andhra Pradesh entrance to Intermediate Politics, Economics and Commerce (1993)
  13. Secured III Rank in All-India entrance test for MA Program in International Relations at Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi (1998)